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Stephano ^^^^^^^^^

Natalia POV (1 month later)

It's been a month, I've been here for a whole two months, I've did everything Satan has told me and yet I'm still here.

I have cried almost every night, I have tried everything. I tried to escape, hurt some men to get myself free, I tried to break the window.

Yet nothing worked.

I still don't know Satan's name, I haven't seen him in a while.

I walked in a room, and saw the same guy I saw a month ago.

The guy that stopped me from being free.

I saw him sniffing cocaine and felt like it, I want to annoy them all, then eventually they will leave me alone.

Stephano POV

The hot bitch walks in and sees me sniffing coke.

"Can I try?" She asks


"Please, I've never tried it before" she says

"Fuck off" I growl

"Not until you let me try"

"You annoying bitch, fuck off" I am getting angry.

I grabbed my gun out of my jacket and aimed it at her, but the bitch didn't seem surprised.

"Please shoot me, I'd rather die than stay here"

This bitch is crazy

I lower my gun and look at her confused.

"What's your name?" She asks and I roll my eyes

"Stephano" I answer and she smiles.

"Once" I say and she try's a line, then sinister walks in and her face is covered in coke.

"What the fuck"he snaps

"It was him" Natalia points at me and he gives me a death glare.

"The bitch begged me to try it" I growl and she pouts her lips.

Sinister rolls his eyes and sends the men to take her to her room.

"I missed this" he makes a line then sniffs it.

"Fuck off it's mine" I say and have the rest of the line.

We started laughing and talking over the most weirdest things.

"She's a desperate bitch"

"I know she wants to leave so bad"

"But shes hot"


I feel high already, I'm too addicted to this shit but I need it, it relaxes me and takes my mind off of things.

Like how it would be having a normal life and family, not being known as a monster and killer, more like loving and caring.

But I will never open up about it to anyone, only sinister.

He was my brother, we were born and raised into this I can't let go and leave.

Sinister's eyes are stoned and I can feel mine the same.

Then we walk out to see Natalia drunk.

"What did you boys cry over?" She laughs

"You both handsome men are going to make me kill you, I want to go please, I beg you, I want my life back" she was crying.

And for once in my cold black heart, I felt bad.

She was hurt and broken

Your high, this isn't you thinking

She was a lonely girl , and her life is ruined

"Go upstairs now" sinister says she looks at me upset and I lift up my brows for her to go.

"You won't Boss me around anymore"she cries

"Natalia" I say and she goes up, Sinister was gonna lose his shit and no one can stop him.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now