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Natalia POV

It's 12:pm now and Satan's not home.

Remembering yesterday I felt as if he said something nice, and meant it.

I was bored and decide to go for a swim.

When I finished I got out of the pool, I showered and got dressed in a t shirt with shorts.

I went downstairs and found the guard I called "dad".

"Hey dad!" I run up to him

He rolls his eyes and shifts away from me.


"Dad, why are you ignoring me?" I pout my lips.

"Fuck off" he says, his eyes covered with a pair of black shades.

"No, I want ice cream" I try to act like a kid, I'm being annoying because I'm bored.

"Go tell your mom" he says and shifts away again.

"I don't have a mom" I say and walk away.

Well he's no fun

No one is

Stephano is!

Then Satan's Maserati pulls up and he comes down.

Remember what he said to you before you went to sleep do not go near him

We have to leave

I want to go home

Don't go near him

He finally walks in and I feel like food.

"I'm hungry"I say and he looks at me annoyed.

"Go find something in the cupboard" he looks angry.

"No I want Taco Bell"

I feel like a taco I haven't had it in a while, well since I was kidnapped......

He walks away.

"I want Taco Bell!"I yell

"Don't fucking yell at me, you are to respect me"he clenches his jaw and glares at me.

Stupid man is angry

"Can I get Taco Bell?" I completely ignore him

"No" he growls

"Guess I have to tell dad" I walk outside to find dad.

Satan ignores me and walks off.

"DAD!" I run up to him

"Go away" his voice is rough

"Can you get me Taco Bell?" I ask

"No, fuck off now" he growls

I walk inside and I am pissed off, rule 1, never leave a woman that's hungry because then I become angry so hungry and angry is HANGRY and I want to eat:

I go to the island and lay my head on top of my arms.

"I need stephano" I pout

"Good thing I'm here"

"STEPHANO! MY SCARFACE" I run up up and hug him tight.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"I'm hungry well hangry and Satan won't get me Taco Bell, same with dad!"

"Dad?" He chuckles

"Him" I point at the man guarding the house with millions of other men.

"Trevor" Stephano laughs saying dads real name.

"Can you get me Taco Bell?" I ask stephano With hope.

"I would but I'm busy right now" he frowns and I frown.

"Not fair" I walk off, I need Taco Bell, I'm craving.

Cravings are the worst because you won't stop until you get it

Stephano goes up to a room, I think an office, I didn't get the full view when he opened the door, since his huge muscular body was in the way.

It's 7pm now and I'm starving, did I get Taco Bell? No, did stephano get me Taco Bell? No, Did dad? No.

I'm just going to starve myself.

I feel so lonely I want friends to hang out with, I wonder how Sara's doing.

Does she remember me?

I turn on the huge tv and looked at the news.

Finally stephano comes out of the office which cut my thoughts and his eyes are stoned, and his face had some powder on it.

He had coke without me!

"You had coke without me!" I act taken back

"My bad" he try's to apologize.

Has he ever said sorry?

Oh my god are you serious Natalia?

"Can you get me Taco Bell now?" I ask for the millionth time and that's when Satan comes out of the office.

"No" he states and walks down the stairs.

I roll my eyes.

"Why are you so grumpy?" I ask with a bitchy attitude.

He closer and he leans down to my ear and whispers.

"Don't ever question anything Natalia, the way I am doesn't concern you, so stop being a brat and fuck off" he meant it.

Your a brat

I look back at stephano and he just shrugs, he can't control Satan is what his shrug meant.

Don't say it

Your causing trouble

Satan is going to get more angry

Don't say it

Don't say it

"And what if I don't want to fuck off?" I dared myself to say.

"You'll regret not listening" his green orbs glare into mine.

His scary

Ok I'll be honest that scared me.

The fear that runs through me is unexplainable, the way he talked, he was something different.

He was a fucking monster, that I dared to lock eyes with.

Before anything else happens, I walk to "my" room, I dropped myself onto the bed.

I wept in angry and sadness because I didn't get what I wanted to EAT.

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