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LISTEN TO IT!!!!^^^^^^^(its from The Vampire Diaries) SO LISTEN TO IT!!!


Sinister POV

Today I was definitely not in the mood, for anything I just wanted to sleep all day and forget about everything.

But I had no choice? In order to get rid of my thoughts I need to distract myself.

As I walk down the stair I can't remember anything but the memories I once had with Natalia.

The whole time I've been drinking smoking and coke the whole time yet it never works.

I walk into the living room and see ma looking at me curious.

"We need to have a talk, faglio"(son)


"Sedersi" (sit)

I take a seat, and she starts talking.

"We all know your acting weird, since we came back, and it's obvious"


"Fine I'll say it, there was a girl she was captured when you and pape were gone, she was a bitch and annoying, she would never stopped fighting to get her life back, once I got shot"

Ma eyes widened and were full of hope, if that I had liked Natalia.

"That night I came home, she saw it and came up to me, asking if I was okay after all I've done to her, she actually cared, I let her go now I don't know what she's doing or where she is"

Ma just smiled the whole time.

"Ma I hate this, I don't have feelings or emotions, it's changed me, my heart has warmed up to her but is still black" I try to keep all the emotions inside of me.

"Faglio (son), it's okay to have feelings, love doesn't go away that easily for her, your strong enough now to handle anything, me and your Pape have been talking about this in Italy, Your inlove" she smiles and cups my face.

"I don't like it, it fucks me up"

"It's fucks up everyone faglio, look at me and your Pape we are so different yet a perfect match"

"She will never love me for who I am" I say in anger.

"If she cared she would stay caring, if she really loved you she wouldn't care about what you do or who you are to the world, nothing will change her mind if it's true love" she says.

"Mm"I hummed in answer as I stood up.

Me and ma walk to the door and I see stephano starring at me with a smirk.

"You told ma" I ask

"No"he smirks

I'm going to punch him

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now