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Stephano POV

I know Sinister is going to be asking where have I been, and everything but I won't tell him.

Also about how I've made a huge plan for the Russians, I want to bomb them all dead, we need to know their places.

Where they are hidden, where they get their weapons, everything they run, I will find out and take it all down, myself, I have been planning this over a year now.

When I take everything down, I won't destroy it, I'll keep it for myself.

And when that time comes I may be dead, due to all the impact when I kill them, just to save the family.

Prima la familia
(Family first)

And that's how it's going to stay, no one knows my plan, not even Pape or ma, or my aunt and uncle.

I will never let them, but when im gone, I'll be happy for my family to continue their life without anymore shit coming in the way.

And if I die I want them to know that it was all for them.

"What do we need to talk about?"I ask sinister.

"Work, I've captured someone today"

"I know"

"Good, now I need you to keep an eye on the Russians"

"It's under control"

Only if he knew what I was planning

"About Natalia" I announce and he rolls his eyes.

"When are you letting her out?"

"I don't know, she's more quiet in the cells and less bitchy"

"Seriously sinister, you can't keep her in a cage"

"I don't want her out. It's better for her, she won't have to annoy us"

"Take her out soon, or I will"

"I'll see"

The rest of the night we hung out, I talked with the girl on the phone that I've been "seeing", we should be meeting up tomorrow.

And Ofcourse she doesn't know about us, Mafia shit.

She was different, simple and elegant.

Sinister POV

Stephano hasn't been around and it's weird I know something has gotten to him, a girl, work or some shit.

After we hung out and did some business and deals I went home.

Natalia was put in the cells again.

I don't know if I should take her out soon.

Like every other night I sneaked in and watched her, I was smoking in the shadows.

Tonight she seemed different.

She was still talking to herself.

"Please someone get me out of here, I'm so cold and tired, I can't eat another of those plates, it kills me"

"I hope stephano gets me out of here" she sighs and sits back down still in her outfit.

She fell asleep, this time I got her a blanket and covered her, her skin was so soft but cold.

She snuggled into the blanket and smiled.

I could see her cheeks stained with tears, she was living in a hell hole.

The other times I felt regret, and now I feel bad for her.

A bit, so small I can crush it, but it's nothing, she'll die living like this.

"Mi hai fatto sentire tre volte, ma non ti lascerò mai pìu" (You have made me feel three times but I'll never let you again) I say and leave the cell.

Days flew by and Natalia has still been in the cells, she has done more jobs, maybe tonight I'll let her out to the bar.

I kinda miss her screaming at me, it was funny, she was so good at defending herself and getting her way.

But not strong enough.

When she's upset it's a whole new thing, she acts as if she'll never be happy again and that's how she's been this whole time.

She's been in the cells for a month, and in another month ma and Pape will be back.

I go to the cells, I open the door and see her crying.

That's all she fucking does, cry

Her back was against the wall and her knees were up to her chest.

"Go away" she cries.

"Your going to the bar"

"I don't want to do anymore jobs"

"It's not a job, your hanging out"


"Yes"I try not to get angry.

She runs and hugs me, something I never expected.

"Thanks so much" I don't hug her back.

She moves herself away from me and we walk out.

She goes to her room she showers and gets changed.

She was happy now and with a click of my fingers she will go back to sad.

But I'd like to see how this night goes.


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