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Natalia POV

Its dark and I'm walking home, since my car is too damaged.

Don't you ever have the feeling that your being watched? Because that's what I was feeling now.

I sped up my walking paste just as I heard two voices.

"Hey puttana, come here" (whore) one of the men's dark voice called out. I didn't even look back, I quickly ran for my life trying to loose them.

After I lost them I ran to my house and locked the door with fear running through my veins. I slid down the door, with my knees to my chest.

I started to cry, anything could have happened to me, I could have been taken or raped.

Your overthinking

"Why" I cry out

"My fucking life, I hate it" I cry a sob

Am I the only one who feels like dying?, I have no role or point in this life, I have no life.

I feel tired, exhausted and lonely spending all night working until 1am.

As I broke down, I felt my self slowly falling asleep on my cold wooden floor of my small house.

Sinister POV

We drove back to uncle Asher's house.

Me and stephano walked in and I was greeted by uncle Asher.

"How's my nephew doing?" He asked patting my back as we walked inside.

"Fucked up" stephano answered for me as aunt Dakota walked down the stairs.

"Sinister" she smiled and hugged me.

"So" uncle Asher pulled aunt Dakota by the waist to him, they were exactly like pape and ma.


"Lorenzo and Tara will be here soon, Sinsiter are you and Stephano holding up with the training?"

"Bene" (good) I answered

Uncle Asher excused aunt Dakota and Stephano so we could talk.

"So tell me son what happened, your usually high and never home at this time" uncle Asher always referred to me as a son.

"Pape and Ma got pissed since me and Stephano are always at the clubs drinking, smoking"

"Well have all the fun you want, remember when I taught you how to shoot" he laughs and I join.

"Come son" he lead me to the lounge room and Ma and Pape we're here.

"Now were all here, we can discuss business" Pape states.

We all took a seat and I run my hands through my hair impatiently.

"Today's work was.... good, Sinister and Stephano are quiet fast at jobs" Pape says.

"I'm glad they are both doing well" Uncle Asher states.

"The best part was t-" I stopped myself from saying 'torture' because ma would kill me, I looked at Stephano for help.

"It was mad taking them out that easily, and there was so much cocaine" Stephano fakes a surprised expression, we all know he loves cocaine.

"I'm proud of you both my sons" aunt Dakota says and Ma smiles at us and we return it.

"We have an announcement, we're going to italy for a short while, Dakota and Asher will be with us" Ma smiles.

"Also in the time, Sinister you will be taking care of my office and works, it will also help with you becoming leader" Pape says.

I nod, soon we left, but before we did me and stephano has some cocaine and I felt like Scarface. But stephano is Scarface, he doesn't leave the coke.

Once i got home, I showered and got in bed.

How am I gonna take care of the whole mafia?

It's so fucking big

Pape gave me some advice when we got home and orders.

I was to take care of all the prostitutes in the barns and the new ones, all the drug manufacturing and there are some betrayers and a few who broke omertà and I can't wait to deal with them.

Tomorrow they are leaving so soon, but it was a better chance for me to learn.

This shit will change my life.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now