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Sinister POV

I was shot by the fucking Russians, the cunts.

I swear when I get them, I'm gonna chop their balls off and feed it to them.

They have been messing with us since my pape was a teenager, and they still haven't fucked off, my pape killed all of them back then.

But now theirs a new Russian mafia, they won't stop until they get what they want, our lives and they still haven't won, and never will.

I got back home and see Natalia, she was on the couch playing with the puzzle Stephano  got her.

Stephano and Natalia have became friends, it's good because she won't be nagging about leaving, but she can't.

Because she's good at dealing with things, she is useless and an annoying bitch, I still don't know why I have her in a room, she should be in the Cells.

That's how silently I was walking she didn't notice I was there, she looked happy for once, her blue eyes held light.

But my heart was still cold and black, she's so pure and I'm poison, I kill and don't care or feel anything.

The whole time I would see her cry, it didn't effect me, she was just like all the other girls.

She looks up and I'm there looking at her blankly as usual.

"What happened to your arm" she stands up and walks closer to my arm.

"It's nothing" I move back then she looks up at me, from her eyes I could tell everything.

The light in her eyes from seconds ago faded, her eyes are full of hurt and pain, most of all deep down, it shows there was a broken girl inside.

But I didn't care. Like I thought I'm poison, I ruin things, take away the light from them and all that's left, is death.

"Did you get shot?" She says her blue eyes begging for an answer.

After all I've done, take her life, ruin it, crush it with my hands, I took her freedom, made her break, and she still asks what happened to me.

I try for once to feel something but it doesn't come, for once I want to know how it feels like to care, but I don't at the same time, I like who I am.

"Yes I did get shot Natalia, now go to your room" I command.

"Who shot you" she ignores my command.

"Someone, why do you care after all I've done to you'' I furrow my brows.

"I'm asking because I care, if anyone I knew got shot, no matter what they've done, I care, what would you like to hear?, that you deserve it?" She snaps and goes to her room.


She really cares, do I think I deserve it? Yes.
Is she right? Yes, Am I a sick heartless bastard? Yes.

I felt weird as she entered her room, she made me feel abit of regret? For being a dick.

Stop it

What the fuck are you thinking

I walk into my room, I get in the shower trying not to get my bandage wet from the hot water.

"Fuck" I grown as the hot water hit my wound.

"Fuck this shit!" I yell and rip the bandage off.

I get in bed and the gunshot wound is uncovered but I didn't care, I don't give a fuck about anything.

And I will never care.

I soon fell asleep. I felt something around my arm and woke up quickly grabbing my gun from my night stand.

No one was in the room, as I look down at my arm it's bandaged.

What the fuck


I got out of bed, my head aching, it's 3:25am and I wasn't sleepy. I got out of bed and went on my balcony.

I lit up my cigar and puffed it out into a cloud, I went to the kitchen and got the liquor, I drank a whole bottle.

Now it was 4:07am and I was drunk, I didn't want to get out of my room, I stayed in, i fell asleep then woke up again and it was 5:00am I got up and vomited off the balcony.

The whole liquor was out of my system and I felt much better, I washed my face and got in bed sleeping again.

For once I cared, I felt regret and I needed liquor to get rid of the emotions, and it worked, now I'll  never feel them again.

Life is full of surprises

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now