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SINISTER?? (sexy bastard)


Natalia POV

I cant believe he actually brought up my ex. I hated my ex, at first he was kind but changed. And now Satan is reminding me of him. Acting like him.

I got into the black car and Stephano was seated next to me, but Satan didn't come.

"Natalia?" stephano says worried and I don't answer.

"He was just angry" he defends Satan.

"Angry?, he brought up the worst thing in my life, my ex"

"I know, but that's the way he is" he sighs.

"For a second at his mansion, I thought he wasn't that heartless and mean, I guess everything turns out a different way"i wipe my face from the tears.

"Are you both related?" I have to ask, their so close.

"You can say cousins" I nod, stephano does kill, is heartless, but isn't as bad as Satan. Stephano has a good heart towards people he likes.

Soon I was back at the hell hole Satan put me in, aka mansion.

I didn't bother walking inside, stephano left in his car because he has a job, for searching for the ones that they always talk about, but I cant understand since they speak in a different language.

I sit on the chair next to the huge pool, with the mountain view. It was beautiful, this was a mansion of my dreams. I would love to have a family and live here.

But in reality it will never happen. I want to leave but how?. I start to think, the whole place was dark, I can try and sneak out? no.

I can say that Stephano is waiting for me outside? no. I can pretend im dead? no they'd bury you alive.

I hear a noise, I have been sitting here for maybe hours?, I go back inside,  theres no one inside, I sit on the white plush couch, that had diamonds in the pillows. I get the puzzle out from under the table that stephano got me.

I take it outside and lay it on the designed concrete and continue matching the puzzle, this helped all my thoughts fade and focus on the puzzle coming together.

It was a beautiful forest, with tall green trees and a lake in between the trees.

It was maybe midnight now and I finished the puzzle, the cold breeze hit my skin, I was still in the dress, I ignored the breeze and looked at the view, the mountains had lights, I liked it.

I was so into it, I stood up and walked closer to the pool, I held my hand up, as if I was holding the circle lights, what I didn't realize was that If I took one more step I'd fall into the pool.

I took another step, I was so close to falling in, until a huge arm snaked around my waist pulling me back.

Sinister POV

After I practically hurt Natalia so bad about bringing up her ex, hate was all over her face. I want to meet him so I can kill him right on the spot.

That was how much I hated when men were abusive to girls.

But im not any different, I kill their insides, their hearts and mind, which may be worse then actual abuse. I cant believe I haven't got rid of her and made her as a prostitute.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now