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HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!!! Well not exactly im tired and need a nap, but it's soon!!

This year has been alright for me, I got to meet new people, lost some that were close n shit.

But every year we learn something different!
I had a gathering with my family and ate everything, I told myself "eat everything now and next year you will be on a diet" but we all know that won't happen.


Natalia POV

So after I threatened Satans men they just laughed in my face.

There was a bar next to the club I was at, so I decided why not get drunk?.

I walked in and it was almost full, it was a nice bar, I sat down and asked the bartender for something strong as usual.

Soon I was getting drunk and started talking about random things.

"You know I had to strip just to be free from a gan" I stopped myself from saying "gang Leader" and in a drunk state I was quiet smart.

Is he really a gang leader?

He has everything but for a gang leader he is too rich maybe a billionaire

and too many men skattered around everywhere

what are those men called that are bigger than a gang? I don't know

I felt myself falling asleep with my head on the counter.

Sinister POV

I'm at my bar drinking, it was full as usual, something caught my eye, something familiar.

I saw those shiny black locks, it was her, Natalia.

I walked up to her and as I moved her head she was asleep, she looked so peaceful and beautiful.

The fuck man

Wake up she's crazy

You can't think that

I  went back to my seat, I saw two men walking towards her, playing with her black locks.

I was enjoying this peaceful time, when she's not awake screaming the whole fucking time.

I walked up to them.

"She's my whore so if you don't"I was cut off by him.

I said "my whore" because what am I gonna say she's mine?, I don't want anyone and I usually fuck around with whores.

"Spiacente, boss" (sorry) they quickly leave and I go back to my seat.

I order my men to take her back to my place and put her in the room she was in.

I should make her as a prostitute we would get a lot of money

Natalia POV (next day)

I woke up covered in a blanket and on a bed, I quickly look around and realize I was back in the room Satan put me in.

I wash my face and wipe it, I walked out of the room
and saw it was 7:00am.

"HOW DARE YOU BRING ME BACK HERE" I yell in the huge space outside of the room in the mansion.

wake up fuckers

Satan himself is really testing my patience

I'm usually kind and happy but now I'm mad

"You fell asleep at my bar!" He yells coming into view, he was in his boxers that was low showing his v-line and whole bare chest.

His 6pack was on full display and his man chest was everything.

I act angry and cover my face hiding my smile, I removed my hands quickly and glare at him.

"We had a deal!"

"I'm not that good at deals" he says

"Listen here gang leader-"

"I'm not a gang leader" he laughs

"What are you then?"

"Far worse, and you don't want to know"

I try to ignore his body that is distracting me.

No matter how hard you try nothing will work

You won't leave

Your life is starting to become ruined  actually already is

Your useless just like Satan said

Your better off dead

"You ruined my life" I feel my eyes sting from tears.

"You are so mean, rude and I won't let you treat like I'm useless, or how my ex hit m-" I stop to cover my mouth and realize I spilled that about my ex.

He was an abusive guy.

"He was abusive?" Satan looks worried for less than a second.

"Yes" I answer

He stares at something and his green eyes look darker than usual.

"You think im going to beat you up?" his voice is a little soft.

"Yes" I answer and sigh, I honestly don't know if he'll beat me up.

"I may be a very dangerous man Natalia, I may kill, beat up and torture people, but im not abusive to girls"he sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, it sounds like his saying the truth.

"Thank you" I walk back into the room and take a shower, hoping that Satan wont actually hurt me when he's mad.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now