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ONE UPDATE TODAY because I'm forcing myself to write prewritten chapters, since I have nothing to do.


Who is your favourite male model?

Mines are (Pedro Soltz (lorenzo), Stephen james, Mario Rodriguez, Marlin teixra (his alright)


Stephano POV

I was on call with Natalia, and I know Sinister did some bad shit to her, what else would he do?.

She was crying.

"What did he do?" I ask

"Sinister, the mafia, everything stephano, how could you lie to me and act as if it's nothing"

"I can't break omertà" I sigh, omertà is the code of silence, we can't say shit about the mafia to anyone, and whoever does, dies.

"Just come pick me up, I'm going home" and with that she hangs up.

I know she's going through a hard time and shit, I want to help her but I don't know what to do, all this shit is because of sinister.

I can't blame him, that's what he does.

These past days have been a downfall, yesterday I didn't show up because I got caught up in something, russians, my plans are gathering up and soon they will be gone.

As for the girl I'm seeing, she has become closer to me, she didn't throw herself at me like all those whores, she just sat down and we had a talk.

About what? I don't maybe a simple date, I referred it to.

She was breathtaking, everything about her, but I know I can't have her, with the mafia, it's too dangerous.

Soon I arrive and I feel guilt for Natalia.

She gets in, and soon i drive to her house.

The whole ride was quiet, silence and guilt took over me, I had nothing to say her.

Once I stop at her house, she speaks.

"How could you stephano, you were my bestfriend, you crushed my trust, I've never had a friend like you but now.....I'm never going to see you or Sinister, and it's for my own good" she opens the car door and steps out.

"I'm- sorry" I sigh

"Don't be sorry, it won't fix anything, I can tell how hard it is for you too say it" she walks up to her door.

Just before she puts her hand on the door knob.

"Natalia" she turns around

"I'm glad you came into our life despite everything, you have changed Sinister abit, just letting you know" she stares at me and I continue.

"Usually the first time sinister saw you he would have put you in the cells like all the other girls, but he didn't, he let you act like you lived there, before he was always out every night at the club, but he stopped" I sigh

"Now nothing matters what you say, it's over, I care for you, I had some actually lots of fucking feelings for him, but nothing you say will help, I'm here, home like I've always wanted" tears fill her cheeks

She turns around again, I didn't want her to go.

"Where's the girl that always asked me for coke?, where's the girl who never let anything get in her way?, Where's the girl that would sit with me every night drunk and laugh until it hurt" I say I felt so guilty that I wanted to beat the shit out of someone.

"She's dead" she turns to face the door.

"Natalia-" I try to continue but she cuts me off.

"Just please go Stephano"

"Remember that I'll never forget you"

she opens her door, her eyes filled with flooding tears, she gave a weak smile and closed the door.

I'm so fucking angry and pissed at Sinister the cunt.

Once I arrive to uncles mansion I walk inside to find him in the office.

"Did you see what you did to her" I rage at Sinister

"She's gone and now we can continue our jobs, Pape is coming sooner then expected" he says

"You fucked up frattelo (brother), she cared for you she had feelings"

"You fucking ruined her, her eyes were so red and she hasn't stopped crying!" Im so angry at him for all the shit he has caused.

"She never let anything get in her way, until she met you, she developed feelings for you! She almost fucking loved you!"

Then he finally decides to speak up.

"That's when your wrong, why would she love me? There is nothing about me for her to love" he says

"Every girl is different, she fell inlove with your flaws, you fucked up man, if I was honest I would have had her to myself, but it's enough her being my friend" I run my hand through my hair.

Then uncle and my aunt walk in, with my pape and ma.

"What are you boys talking about?" Aunt Tara asks.

"How Sinister is always fucked up" I walk out.

I want sinister to know that any guy would want her, even me.

But she's my bestfriend, she introduced me into feelings and I know I'll never regret it, but i sure will miss the nights we laugh so hard, and had so much coke.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now