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stephano POV

Is this Sinister's and Natalia's kid?

"Who are you" the boy asked, he looked so young around five years old.

I looked at him properly this time paying attention.

He had these blue eyes, and ink black hair, he looked like me.

It was as if I was looking at my younger self.

How can this be?

Is he my kid?

Tears flowing down my face I lift up the kid.

"Who are you?" He asks again

"Your father" I say

"I heard my daddy was dead" he frowns.

"I'm right here, faglio, it's me, I'm alive" I smile in tears and hug him.

"Stephano! Where did you go little boy?" I heard Natalia's voice.

She wasn't calling me

They all know I'm dead

That means that my son, they named him stephano? After me?

"Where are you?" She calls out then comes to the door.

"I told you dont open the door baby boy" she says to him.

She came closer than saw me, holding my son.

Her eyes immediately started to water and she cried so much.

"STEPHANO"Natalia runs to me with tears and hugs me so tight I couldn't breath.

"How is this possible?" She cries.



She's here?

Immediately they all run downstairs worried if anything happened to Natalia.

"What's wrong?" Sinister asks.

They all come into view of my sight.

They all start crying and hug me.

"STEPHANO" ma says and runs up to me with pape.

"How could this be? How are you alive?" They ask.

"It's a long story"I say and put my son down.

Uncle Lorenzo comes up to me with watery eyes and hugs me tight.

"I've missed you" he says.

We all pulled away from the hugs, I looked at them all, I caught a ring in Natalia's hand.

Her and Sinister are married and I didn't know?

Mirimorsa is back and I didn't know?

"I will have a chat with all of you, separately, but I need to ask where is Irina and is this my son?" I ask and pick up the kid.

"Irina left, she couldn't handle the pain" aunt Tara says.

"She left! Where? You let her!?" I almost yell.

"We tried fratello, but she escaped" Sinister says.

"Is this my son?" I ask looking at the child I was holding.

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