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Sinister POV

"The first day you were born, you were so fragile, now your a killer" my papes voice kept playing in my head.

True I am a killer, a very heartless one.

I don't remember anything from when I was a kid but pape sounded disappointed and ashamed.

Ma came into view still looking angry as we entered.

"I never thought my son would be like this" her voice sobbed, and pape pulled her to his chest.

"I never wanted this for him, when he was still a baby, he was so innocent" she cried and I couldn't hear my mother saying that.

She loves me so much, she treats me with kindness and everything good, but the looking her eyes the words she spoke, broke me, made me feel like shit.

"I never asked for someone like him Lorenzo" she looked up at my pape with tears running down her cheeks.

My pape looked the same way she did, he looked guilty, my parents both went up, my pape said words to comfort her and thank god she calmed a bit.

I was in such a bad state, my parents pissed, and I was so fucked up, I gripped the gun in my jacket, I walked outside and got into my Maserati.

I sped off to a place i went as a kid, my parents always took me here.

I stayed starring at the place with hate, I was an innocent child, now I'm a fucking monster.

I felt my anger rising so high tears started to form, from anger, I felt like killing someone so badly, just like any other monster would.

That night I fell asleep in my car and my phone rang waking me up, showing that I had so many miss calls from my ma.

I decided to go home and not answer, she was probably going crazy.

I walked inside, I knew my hair was messy and had dark circles, and to top it off I smell like drugs and alcohol.

"Sinister" My ma ran to me and hugged me and that was the last of my thoughts.

"Ma, spiacente" (sorry) I hug her, I can't upset my ma, after all family is always first.

"I over reacted yesterday, scusa figlio" (sorry son) she hugs me tighter.

"Everything you said yesterday was true, I admit I'm a fucking dumbfuck, I mess around with chicks because I get bored and have desires" she cut me off

"Everyone has desires figlio, but I think your father is still ashamed" (son) she whispers when pape comes into view.

Ma steps back next to him, and he steps forward.

"Inizi oggi, sei pronto?" (You start today, are you ready?" Pape asks and I nod my head.

"Bene" (good) he says.

We get in the SUV the guards drive and ma and pape go to pick up stephano so he can train, but stephano felt the same way I did.

"Stephano" Pape says as he sits in his seat.

"Today you fuckheads will be learning how to do what I do, Sinister is in second command, well when I die, then stephano you will be after Sinister" he spoke.

We arrive at a huge factory.

"This is where the drugs are taken from us, you will get them, if you don't will be punished" venom dripping from his words and me and stephano were out.

"How are we gonna do this shit?"stephano asks

"Lo so" (I know)

"Listen you go in from the back and see if the men are there, I'll take the drugs and we meet up, Sí" stephano says.

I nod my head taking out my two silent pistols from my leather jacket and waited at the back, I peak and there are 3 men, completely distracted by talking.

I walked in and shot them all , stephano and I grabbed the drugs and the guards took the men to their truck.

We got in the SUV where pape was, he looked at us with surprise but quickly hid it.

"That was quick wasn't it?" Pape asks

"Sí, It was easy"stephano says

"Your mother would kill me if I she knew but let's keep this a secret, Sí?" We nod

"You both will be torturing the three men, I hate that you have to do this because being the mafia boss you will have to do a lot of it"

We got to the basement and we tortured the men, it was fun, once we finished our hands are covered in blood.

Pape walked in amused.

"Second job, done, but remember my sons, it gets harder" pape always referred to stephano as a son just like uncle Asher did with me and aunt Dakota and ma.

"I guess that's it for today, get cleaned up, quickly and you boys are free to go" pape states

I had fun doing that shit today, I can't be fucked for the club now I did feel like a drink so I took a vodka without anyone noticing and went to my car.

Me and stephano jumped in our cars.

"I missed her" stephano says


"Felicia, my mustang" he said and jumped into his mustang.

"Oh" I laughed and got into my Maserati, the engines roared to life and we drifted off.

I need my Audi R8 back.

The streets were empty and we raced all the way down the streets, we stopped still sitting in our cars to smoke.

I took my smoke out and puffed out a cloud.

I layed back in my seat, I saw a black shiny haired girl walk down the streets, but her face was hidden from the dim lights.

She crossed the road and it was her, that bitch who wrecked my car.

I just starred at her walk her way down the long empty dark streets of New York.

Hah bitch doesn't have her shit car

Doesn't she know it's dangerous to walk at night his time?

She wants to get killed

"What were you starring at shithead" stephano called from his car still smoking, cigarettes not weed for the first time.

"Nothing" I murmured taking another smoke of my cigarette and puffing it out.

She was nothing, just a useless girl, a bitch that wrecked my favourite car.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now