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Irina POV

I wake up feeling tired with a headache which is something unusual, but I smile remembering Stephano.

I love him so much, and it's funny how we want to get married.

Yes after I found out about the mafia killings, murders, everything I broke me slightly, knowing that someone I love is a murderer.

But it's true when people say that they wont leave you if they love you.

I grab my phone from my desk and dial stephanos number.

It's weird how he didn't answer, usually it would take seconds to answer but he didn't.

I furrowed my brows in confusion and slight worry.

I keep on dialing his number but it just goes back to voicemail.

Just then I felt my stomach feel sick.

What the hell?

I cover my mouth feels that I was about to puke.

I run to the toilet and let it out, I was so confused why is this happening to me?.

This was so odd, then one thing crossed my mind, something I've never thought before.

Was I pregnant?

Okay relax, you are not pregnant

But what if I am?

Why isn't stephano answering and why am I puking out of no where?

Sinister POV

I'm actually happy for once, Natalia is thankfully alive and I feel so happy.

I got her out of the hospital and we got into my Audi R8.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, but she still looked  sick her eyes were puffy and red, her skin was still pale from the pills and my heart aches for it.

"Are you okay?" I ask since she hasn't said a word.

"Mhm" she hums

"Look, I'm sorry, I know how much of a fucking cunt I've been but I am sorry, you know who I am and the way I am, I know the past has a lot of bad things but-"

"No need to apologize, I know, and I don't care now we're together and that's all I want" she chuckles.

"You know" I sigh and she stays silent.

"The past month I've been- you know all the bad things, and I didn't know that I was I love with-you" I suck in a breath.

"Every minute feels like an hour, I know I'm a fool from distancing myself away from you, maybe that's why......I couldn't admit that I love you....because for some reason, I couldn't accept that you love me" I didn't know how to feel, this girl was changing me forever.

I no longer was the guy always at clubs drinking and shit, I was I love...I was that bastard that wanted everyone out of my way.

I wanted to kill everyone, I never wanted people around me, but here I am.

I could feel Natalia's gaze on me.

"I'm such a bitch for still loving you" her laugh sounds like music to my ears.

Just then I remember Stephano, where did he go?.

"Where did stephano go?" She asks what I was just thinking.

"I don't know" I take out my phone and dial his number.

He left without telling us where he went, and now I'm curious, never has he ever did this.

With multiple calls he doesn't answer and now I am pissed and worried.

I swear if he got himself into anything-

"He isn't answering?" She asks

"No" I sigh then remember he has a tracker on him.

Finding where he was I speeded off to there, the place was unusual, it was a mansion, huge.

All the men at the from were killed.

My heart started beating so fast, I could hear it thumping, walking in with my gun aimed and Natalia behind me I searched the house calling his name.

I reached upstairs and saw blood all over the floor, I walked in slowly and what stood I front of my eyes, killed me.

There staphano my brother of years, my best friend, my blood, my biggest fears of losing, lied dead in front of me.

His eyes were closed, unusual, his chest was pooling blood out.

I dropped my gun and fell to my knees, Natalia was already crying and screaming from the sight.

I lift him by his color.

"Don't leave me fratello" I cry

Losing my family was something that haunted me forever and now that I'm the one in front of him, it was the worst feeling on earth.

I knew everything would change.

Flash backs flew into my mind, of the time where we were drinking and laughing, where we were racing, where we smoked and were partners in crime.

I lost my brother, no one knows how much he meant to me.

First I almost lost Natalia and now I lose Stephano.

And now my life would never be the same without him.

Natalia ran up to my dead brother in my arms weeping.

"No no please!" She cups his pale lifeless cheeks that once had life.

I knew he always wanted to get out of the mafia but he never did, I knew he always wanted a normal life, with a family and kids.

But he didn't get it, and it kills me and always will haunt me.

The worst thing now  is, how is his girl gonna feel?

I know he loves her so much, he even wanted to marry her.

I can't imagine how I would be if I lost Natalia, and I can't imagine how his girl will feel.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now