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Maybe just one update today/night

Natalia POV

It's been weeks, how many? Around 5 to be exact.

So around a month and 2 weeks I haven't seen the boys.

And Irina is lnlove with stephano, I still haven't seen him, or Satan- Sinister.

I missed them so much, Them-Sinister? Yes I did.

Why? Because I don't know, I still love him.

And a fact about me is I love hard, and it's hard for me to stop, no matter how bad the person was.

Yes he was a killer, murderer, dark, dangerous, cold etc, but I liked it for some reason.

It was 9:00pm Friday.

And I was home alone, and I wanted to speak to stephano so bad.

I grabbed my phone and walked out side, to spot his car parked right infront of my house.

My heart started to beat rapidly, I turned around and he was leaning against the wall......smoking.

He looks at me, upset and hurt.

I was lost in his blue eyes.

Honestly I missed my best friend so much, i ran and hugged him so tight I think I broke his ribs.

"Natalia" he chuckles and hugs me back.

"I missed you" I say

"You never called" he frowns.

"I waited all night, every night and you never called, why?"

I sigh and move away and look at him.

"I- was- trying to recover and move on" I sigh

"Move on?"

"Look stephano, the whole time I was trying to get over him and I thought if I wouldn't talk to you it would work......but it hasn't"

"You still love him?" He asks surprised and happy.

"I-I.....yes I do" I feel like punching myself.

"You really do!" He acts like a kid.

"Yes, stephano" I chuckle.

We were silent for a few minutes, so I decide to talk.

"How is he?" I ask him

"Bad" he answers and my heart started to beat rapidly again.

"How bad?"

"His drinking, a lot, he doesn't know what his feeling, his in pain, everything he tries to do never works, you never leave his mind" he runs his hand through his hair.

"Do you want to see him?" He asks


"Do you want to see Sinister?"

"No and kinda"

"That's a yes?"


"I'll take it as a yes, he smirks" and lifts me over his shoulder.

"Stephano! Put me down!"

"Nope" he laughs and throws me into his mustang.

"You missed her?"

"So much" I smile, I missed this car.

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