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ALSO WHATS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE?? Mine is when people eat with their mouths open ughh, also being late :/.

Had a bad day, very bad day:(, Im thinking of posting one chapter today.....if I get at least 20 comments saying "double update" I'll post :/

Sinister POV

"What happened in the pool will not enter our minds, this will never be mentioned, it is between us and don't come near me again" I whisper in her ear my hand gripping her waist.

I walk into my room, I feel drunk, the reason I said that is because, I can tell by the way she acts, she is too comfortable around me.

I don't like it.

Eventually she will fall for me like every other girl, I can't love.

I'm drunk, I don't know what to do now.

I take a shower and get in bed, I remember all the things, Natalia was happy around me, she sounded happy and had lots of humor.

I don't like when people are comfortable around me.

Only my parents, aunt uncle and Stephano.

I lay and think for what seemed like hours, I looked at the time and it was almost 2am.

I open the door to Natalia's room.

I don't know why I walk in, I guess I'm drunk and following my thoughts.

I walk up to her bed in the dark room, she was asleep.

I take my hand and try to stroke her face gently.

I move her hair from her face, and for a few minutes I thought.

Imagine if I could love

How would it feel to have someone in your life you'd die for

What if I could love?

Your too dark and cold to love.

I will never be able to love

I leave her room and close the door slowly, I walk into my room lay down.

Imagine having a family and a wife

Imagine living a normal life not in the mafia

Haha I will never find love

I love the mafia more than anything

And it will stay like that

I should put Natalia in the cells, because what's the point of her staying in a room.

She's like all the other girls in the mafia, their whores, prostitutes, assassins and work for us.

And she is one of them.

It's true she was something different but I'll never admit it to myself

Stephano POV

"Stephano so soon?" I was sitting with says.

I got a phone call from pape and I needed to answer it.

"Shut up" I say

"Tell why do you have to leave so soon" she pouts.

I grab my gun from my pocket in my pants and aim it at her, she quickly shuts up and I walk out of the room answering my phone.

Gun trick works everytime

"Pape?" I answer my phone.

"Stephano, I'm calling to let you know that your aunt is okay now, your uncle and her are with Ashton, they told us to tell you, and make sure you tell Sinister"

"Ok, thank god" I shut the phone.

I remember Natalia and Sinister in the pool from earlier.

She told me she hated him and all the bad shit and now I see them about to fuck in the pool.

One minute they were going to kill each other the next their in the pool, together.

I felt bad for her, she doesn't know what she just got herself into.

You don't feel bad

I pull out a joint and start smoking it, I get in my mustang and drift off home.

What a fucked up day

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now