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Stephano POV

Usually I'd come to pick up Natalia so we can go have fun and get drunk but something seemed off, today.

I leave my car and walk inside to face sinister.

"What's up with you?" I ask he looked angry.

"Nothing" his jaw was clenched.

"Where's Natalia?"

"In the cells"

"What the fuck, why?"

"Because she keeps disrespecting me and doesn't obey me, she chose the wrong behaviour at the wrong time....she is out of my way now and that's all that matters"

"What happened with you two?"

"She's fucked...fucking bitch" he answers and after every word he becomes angrier, that's nothing new I'm quiet used to all this.

"Whatever I'm taking her out"  I walk passed him.

"No! Stephano leave her....she's asleep and I don't want her awake, I don't want to hear her annoying voice and screams, just fucking leave her" he tried to calm himself down.

I lift my hands up in surrender and laugh.


"What are you gonna do now?" I ask

"Sleep, I'm tired" he walks upstairs.

"I'm staying tonight!"

He gestures his hand to the room I always sleep in when I'm over.

Next day

Natalia POV

I woke up tired and I felt ill, I get up from the thin mattress placed on a metal bed that was bolted to the wall.

I feel cold, there was a small window maybe a few inches wide, that let a little bit of sunlight enter the cold dark cell.

I stand up and rub my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness, as I removed my hands, my fingers had dried mascara on them and that's when it hit me.
I was still in the same dress as yesterday.

Yesterday I was thrown into a cell because of Satan and everything that happened yesterday got me in trouble.

I look around and find a plate of food infront of me, not any normal type of food, it was disgusting, the plate had a blob of something that looked un edible.


I'm not eating that, the rest of the day I sat down thinking everything over again.

It was soon night and I haven't eaten anything, I wasn't hungry at all.

The night passed and soon I fell asleep again.

Days past which soon turned into weeks and I have been here the whole time, I forced myself to eat so I wouldn't starve.

I was still in the same red dress and I felt so dirty I needed a shower, but all that's here is a small sink.

I was tired I felt dead, there was rarely enough light for me to see anything I got so used to the dark.

Every time I'm about to go to sleep I hear creeks and footsteps, there was no sign of stephano and Satan.

Does stephano even know I'm here?

The door opened and a guard appeared, he threw an outfit at me.

"You can go to your room and have a shower, you have another mission"

I picked up the outfit from the floor and as we walked out the lights hit my eyes.

I felt blind since I haven't been in the light for weeks, it burnt my eyes.

I quickly got in "my room" and jumped in the shower, I felt so clean after the shower and brand new.

I dried myself in a clean towel then got dressed, to be honest the outfit was cute, it was a two piece.

I tied my hair in a pony tail and added mascara to make myself look alive, I grabbed a pair of short heels and wore them

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I tied my hair in a pony tail and added mascara to make myself look alive, I grabbed a pair of short heels and wore them.

I wasn't happy to be doing a job again, I was just being used. But what can I do this is how my life will continue.

And I've given up

I open my door and expected the least of my thoughts.

Those devil eyes starred me down and I knew everything was going back to reality.

But I have to admit my heart beat a little.

Sinister ✔️Mafia Series: 2Where stories live. Discover now