Chapter 3 - Mirror Mirror On the Wall (who's the fairest of them all?)

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I put on my beanie and my scarf and walk across the road. I wrap my arms around my elbow and kept walking. What she said was probably true. I mean look at Precious she's beautiful, it's like the chromosomes in her body chose black silky hair, with beautiful brown eyes, flawless skin and pearly white teeth. Actually she paid a dermatologist but that's not the point. If I there was an allele that makes you perfect, that would explain everything.

She's rich, her family live on a boat. She can get any guy with snap of her fingers and she's popular. Precious wears the most stylish clothes, although I'd never say it out loud especially since Andrealle thinks she's the fashion queen. She's invited to parties and can be a wild child. I've heard guys say that, I don't know if they mean rebel or something else. She travels around the world: Italy, Paris, New York, Boston, Hawaii, Egypt and she has also met the Queen. Then there's me. Jamie Dorkess Brookes. I wear glasses because I'm too afraid to wear contacts. I have no social life because my so called mother thinks I don't deserve one but also my dad is overprotective. I haven't even done a single bad thing in my life. I'm a goody-two shoes. I've never swore and I have the perfect attendance record. No one has ever invited me to a party and the only fancy shmancy place I've been to is Buckingham Palace but that was only because of a school excursion. Of course Luke will fall for her.

I kick a few pebble stones and then I hit my foot against the ground. I rub my hands together until my hands become warm. I continued walking and then a pair of hands grab my shoulder and I scream. I hear laughing and I turned to see Jade clutching her stomach.

"Glad I could make you laugh" I said quietly

"Sorry Jamie" she raised her voice as she linked arms with me.

"Why the long face. If it's Precious, you're wasting your time. Who cares what Precious thinks "

"I do. And she's right. What do I have that she doesn't" I asked

"A heart" she said earnestly

"It doesn't matter. She has everything" I mumbled

"Like what" Jade rolled her eyes

"For instance, she's beautiful"

"She's hot" Jade commented and I raised an eyebrow

"According to what the guys say. You have real beauty and you're brill. Precious may be drop-dead gorgeous but she's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. " she clarified

"She's privileged. I mean, did you hear that she got her own yacht before she got her own car. She has a pink Lamborghini. Gallardo. If that isn't rich, I don't know what is" I continued

"That's a blooming lie. As if. She hasn't even gotten her P's yet alone her L's. She'd probably have a chauffeur " Jade yelled

"And she has every single guy at her fingertips"

"The only reason why is because she's a-" and I clasped my hand over her mouth

"Jade" I scolded and she rolled her eyes in reply

"How would you know?" Jade ask

"Her charm bracelet! Everyone knows that each charm represents a guy she's dated" I said clearly

"True but she always has a motive. She dated Jonathan Greene just so she could pass a science assignment and dumped him the next day she handed it in. She dated Jesse Bartel, the captain of the football team to raise her cheerleading status. Precious dated Emilio Rodriguez because he was the cute exchange student. She dated Aiden McKnight because he's a bad boy. Dated Tyler Ashton because he was an amazing kisser, Michael Phillips a math wizard so that he could do her math test for her and she got an A+. Also dated Andrew Fisherman because he was rich and gullible. Bought her everything she wanted. She even dated Frankie Drinkwater because he was the Principle's son. I also heard she dated your brother Zach to make your life a living...."

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