Chapter 7 - April Fools! You're a Fool

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 Tuesday 1st of April

APRIL FOOLS!   Today is April Fool's Day. Meaning an all you can prank access car. I heard footsteps and I pretended that I was asleep. I closed my eyes and heard the door open slightly. I added a few light snores just for an added effect and then I heard Zach whisper a 'YES!'. He tiptoed to my bed and he shook something. I still squeezed my eyes shut and then I feel something ticklish in my right hand and instantly I knew it was whipped cream. I squinted my eyes too look at where his face was. He pulled out a feather and placed it near my nose. He tickled it a few times so I used my left hand to scratch my nose. I heard him groan so he sprayed some whipped cream into my left hand.

He tickled my nose with the feather again and I shoved the whip cream in my right hand in his face. Then I shoved the other one in his hair because he is really sensitive about it and I know it peeves him....ALOT. I started laughing and he was yelling. Ashley burst into the room and sprayed us with silly string. I jumped on the bed and grabbed my pillow. I started blocking her attacks and then she tackled me to the floor. Zach then sat on the both of us and then my dad opened the door.

"Good Morning guys" My dad greeted

"Good Morning" we chorused

Then Ashley and Zach left my room and I ran to the bathroom but Zach stopped me. I listened to him and when Ashley opened the door, a bucket of water spilt on top of her and Ashley shrieked. I laughed and so did my brother. You have to admit it was funny because no offence, she hogs the hot water. We call her a water hog (but kind of defeats the purpose since there such a thing as a water hog). But you know those people that try to clean themselves when they finish their day at the beach and they take a lonnng time because they know you'll leave , meaning more shower time for them.

When she finished, she started to panicking. I asked her why and she told me that she can't find her make-up bag. She's 14 for goodness sake. What does she need make up for. I told her that I'll be using the shower. I did my bathroom rituals and I ran into my room to change (with my towel). I changed into my uniform and started to tie my shoes. I tied my hair into a pony tail and I heard my brother yell.

I ran out and I saw my brother in a pink uniform shirt. I held back a giggle and Ashley was clutching her stomach. He held my bra in his hand and my eyes went huge.

"I did not do that" I told him straightaway

"You are a size 1-" I covered his mouth and Ashley started laughing

"I did, hilarious" Ashley raised her hand

"That's why I stuck all your bras in the freezer" I told her, she stopped laughing and Zach was guffawing. You see, I always think one step ahead plus I saw what she was doing last night.

"Wow, I feel sorry for you Ashley. First water gets poured on you, your make up bag is missing and your bras are in the freezer" Zach listed with his fingers

"You know the chicks dig a guy who can pull of a pink shirt and not be ashamed" Ashley winked

"And guys love the fact that your face looks like frog's skin. Now I know why you need your foundation now. You have pimples everywhere" Zach exaggerated and Ashley ran into her room.

She spends WAY too much time on her appearance. She uses foundation, eyeliner, mascara, blush, eye-shadow, concealer, lipstick, lip gloss, powder, lotion, and moisturiser; make up remover, brushes and so much more. In fact she has two bags. One for home and the other for school. She also keeps one in her pencil case.  So I hid each of the items all over the house.

I walked inside my room and tied my hair in a high ponytail. I looked for my glasses and I couldn't find them. I check my safe and I had some spare glasses but it is the birthday present I got last year from Karen. They are a Gucci brand, I love them and all but it's not me. But I have to wear them.

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