Chapter 9 - I said I was SORRY

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Thursday 17th of April

I decided to take my cousin, Natasha's advice. The one thing that threw me off balance was the fact that she thought that Precious was innocent. I decided to take her advice like I said before. The one thing that is giving me butterflies like the design of my diary is how my friends will react.

It happens to be lunch and I find it really annoying how, the thing your dreading for e.g. detention, time happens to fly but when you're waiting to go to an amusement park you have to wait. I think the universe is out to get me. Although it works either way when you're having fun so.......

I leave class and walk straight to the cafeteria. Today is Tater Tot Thursday. I use the shovel and shovel a handful of them into my plate and get some spicy sauce. I pay for my food then walk over to the bending machine and for the first time in my life, a soft drink. Don't judge me. I was deprived off  it ever since my dad married her.

I walked over to my friend's table and to say I was prepared is understatement. I don't know how to bring it up. 'Hey guys, you know how I was looking for my diary. Well guess what! Precious has it. Please don't hate me'

They could either

A. Be calm

B.  Smile and nod (but inside they are freaking out)

C. Get upset, mad and things turn ugly

D. All of the above.

I hate D because it's always a trick question when they put it in an exam.

I place my tray on the table and they're all smiling. I am such a horrible friend. I look at them and smile. I start munching on my tater tots and the table is quiet. I look at them and they're looking back at me. I focus on eating and then I see Luke, JJ, Ben and Zach sit down.

"Ben and others, could you please excuse us. I want to tell my friends something" Jade asked politely.

They do as they are told.

"Ok Jamie. What's got you gutted?" She asks

"I don't know what you're talking about" I am a terrible liar.

"Jamie, I've known you for six years. When you're too quiet, you hide something" Jade said sternly.

"Come on Jamie. Say it, we won't get upset" Leah encouraged. Yes you will

"Yeah, we're your friends" Akemi reminded me. You'll probably won't be once I tell you

"I'm sure it's not that bad" Andrealle smiled. Yes it is! You will HATE me for-EVER

"You know that diary that I have been looking for?" I look at them and they give me a look of 'go on'

"Let's just say I found it" I told them

"That's good. I don't know why you're making such a big deal of it" Leah grinned

"I found it but I didn't exactly'find' it" I used my fingers

"What are you saying" Kemi asked

"Well....." I chuckle nervously

"Off with your head" Jade says in a figure of speech but my head will probably gone with the next few words I say.

"Precious has it" I look at them and they are all quiet. I guess it went well...

"Please tell me this is a joke" Andrealle pleaded. They say the first case of disbelief is denial. The second stage is acceptance.

"It's not. Why do you think I was having trouble saying it" I look at her.

"Please tell me it's not going to be like those cliché high school movies where the popular get a hold of a victim's diary, read out the girl's secrets and her friends are involved as well"

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