Chapter 15 - Ambrose Residence: Strike #1

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Monday 16th of June                                            

I was sitting in the orange chair with Andrealle which was missing a few members: Jade and Leah. So we decided to hang out in the library. I know who does that but there's a room that only people who are on the library committee join. Fortunately for me I am on the committee. It's like a lounge room but for the students.

That's exactly where we were. I was talking to Andrealle about our next plan when Akemi bust through the room with excitement. The librarian shushed, in fact everyone in the library shushed her. She apologized quickly then slammed her hands on the table which caused another round of shushes.

"Guess what!" she squealed and there was shushes.

"What" Andrealle asked

"There'sapartycomingupandithappenstoPreciousbirthdaybashhersweetsixteensoIwasthinkingwhynotgototheparty" she rushed.

One thing you should know about Akemi is that she talks fast when she's excited.

"Slow down" Andrealle said

"I was saying that there's a party coming up. It happens to be Precious Birthday Bash. Her sweet sixteen. So I was thinking why not go to the party?" she smiled

"So we're going to a party. One problem. We're not invited" I told her

"Yeah but we raided her locker, last week. I'm pretty sure we can do it again" she nodded her head.

"She does have a point" Andrealle agreed

"I guess we can do it. I mean, we don't have a plan other than that" I shrugged

"Yay." Akemi clapped.

"So we need to draw a plan" Andrealle started.

She pulled out my notebook and gave it to Kemi. So that she could write it down. We made a rule that whoever has a plan, gets to write it down.

Title: Gate crashers

Plan: Try and get into Precious’ house uninvited, unsuspected and disguised. Get into her room and search every possible hiding place Jamie's diary may be.

Who’s involved?  Jamie, Andrealle and me J

How? By getting an invite or sneak in.

"Kemi, can you print because I can't understand what this says" Andrealle told her

"Sorry. Calligraphy lessons. I'll rewrite it" she apologized

Title: Gatecrashers

Plan: Try and get into Precious’ house uninvited, unsuspected and disguised. Get into her room and search every possible hiding place Jamie's diary may be.

Who’s involved?  Jamie, Andrealle and the amazing Akemi!

How? By getting an invite or sneak in.

"So we just need to get in the party" Andrealle started to tap her French manicured fingers.

"I know!" cue the shushes. We saw the librarian and we knew it was our cue to leave.

We grabbed out books and shoved my notebook in my bag. The three of us walked out of the library and walked up two flights of stairs to fourth floor. Then as I was walked to my locker, something hit me......literally. A ball hit my head and I fell backward.

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