Chapter 17 - Plan B: The Bag Swap

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Friday 4th of July

Today is the Fourth of July. The day, the amazing Americans celebrate their independence. Hey, I’m not complaining because in history (last period) we got to study about the civil war. But today is the fourth of July and I’m sitting here, listening to our school counsellor Mrs Periwinkle talk about the effects of opening up and being nice to your peers and how you’ll all see each other once you graduate, maybe after 3 or 4 years and you’ll remember the times together. Whether it was having your head dunked in the toilets or being recognized for your talents.

Of course people aren’t listening to her. I’m not either. She has a monotonous voice, and it goes on and on. When she forgets, she repeats the same thing or starts all over. She’s 63 and an old sweet woman. Some students thought it would be best for her to retire but somehow, she’s still here. I don’t mean here as in she’s alive and I don’t know why she’s alive but as in here, here: right in front of me, staring and sitting in a chair. Breathing.

I’ve heard guys call her Mrs Periwrinkles. They don’t call her that for nothing and one time, just to pass….the time, they decided to count how many wrinkles on her face. Let’s just say that they weren’t even half. Way. When the session was over, they concluded that there’s one too many wrinkles. Precious even gave a suggestion to Mrs Periwrinkles, I mean winkles, “that you should use proactive. But then the teacher thought Precious asked ‘that you should be proactive’ in which the teacher replied that she is.

Speaking of Precious, I still haven’t gotten my diary. Wondering what happened. We stopped over at McDonalds for a late snack and then called Andrealle’s mum. She picked us up and got so mad at us that the ladies at the front were glad they were behind the counters. But Andrealle was able to cease the anger because, she saw Precious wedding dress and took pictures. Her mother’s annoyance diminished and she was determined to go home and forget whatever happened.

Back to my case, I had been staring at the Precious’ bag for a while and I am convinced it must be in her bag. But there is no way I can go there and ask. I pulled my scheming, secret notebook.

Title: The Bag Swap

Plan: Swap Precious bag and check if she has my diary

Who’s involved?  Kemi, Andrealle and me J

How? By getting an invite or sneak in.

After writing, I passed the book to Akemi, who looked at it and grinned. She kicked Andrealle’s chair and she turned around. Kemi pointed to the book and Elle took it. I noticed Leah turn to me and mouthed what we were reading but I told her nothing because, the three of us decided to not let Leah know about it. It will be our little secret and also, we’re not happy with what she is doing.

My book was passed back and I got a note.

Ready - Akemi

Let’s do it – Andrealle

It’s so funny because all of us are sitting in a triangle shape. In front of me, is Leah, on my right is Akemi. In front of her is Andrealle who is next to Precious. Precious is in the middle of Andrealle and Leah. Behind me is Jade, who still isn’t talking to me.

First of all I passed my bag to Akemi, and at the same time she gave it to Andrealle who was clutching Kemi’s bag. I had grabbed Leah’s and slid down to me, so all we needed was Andrealle to give Precious hers, so Precious can give hers to Leah in which I will swap again.

It worked until it came to taking Precious bag; luckily, Andrealle’s bag is the same. She put hers in front of Precious’ own. Andrealle gave me a wink before talking.

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