Chapter 21 - Catching a liar, liar, Room is on Fire!

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Wednesday 23rd of July

On Wednesday, word got out at school that the creepy room down the hall was on fire. There were fire fighters and police and even some investigators. I’m sure it’ll make the headlines on the News ‘The Top No.1 Prestigious School, Ambrose Academy had a spark last night. One of the rooms burst into flames. No one got hurt but police suspect it might have been deliberate’ or something like that.

I thought it was a rumour until Akemi, Andrealle and I, along with other students got escorted by the police to check out the room and boy it was burnt. The curtains had singed on the ends with the tip of the remaining fabric, black. The table was black to the core. The large book was in ashes and the chairs had holes. The portraits of the names and everything had been half burnt and ripped, making the faces unrecognisable.

I look to Akemi who showed no sign of panic. How is she calm? I thought we were supposed cause a fire alarm. Not an actual fire. We walked around a little more and the carpet made a squish sound from all the water. I spotted a silver pearl in the water. I placed it in my pocket with the other bead I found last time.

As we walked out, Creepy Lenny thought it was cool and was willing to give anyone a ticket to the Wrestle Mania if they owned up. No one did, because 1. It’s Creepy Lenny, 2. There was a police officer behind us and 3. How is burning down a room a good thing?

I sat down during maths. We had a pop quiz. Awesome….not! As I was writing down my answer I heard the PA Speaker turn on:

“If anyone who is responsible for the burning of room 115, doesn’t own up they will be in serious trouble. Nothing is going to happen to you, all you need to do is to confess and explain what happened. The police promise to not press charges but if they should find out who you are, I’m afraid you’ll be expelled from the school!”

That’s when my fingers gripped my pencil hard, until it snapped. Akemi who was a table away looked up from her test and looked at me. I gave her a reassurance that I was fine but my hand was having a mind of its own as I was looking for the pencil. My fingers were shaking as I gripped it and the lines were going all over the place.

I held my hand then proceeded but I was shaking again. I started to gasp as I realized I was scribbling all over my page. I put the pencil back and started lay my hands in between my legs. I look around and people have their heads down and I look around them. The room starts to close in like the scene in Indiana Jones and I look at them in horror. How can they do a test when they’re about to die!

My throat starts to close up and I can’t breathe. I let out a whimper and sharp intake but I can’t exhale and soon I breathing in and out rapidly. Mr Tyler starts to walk up to me and bend down to say something but I don’t comprehend anything because all I hear is ‘I know the truth, I know you started the fire’

“I didn’t mean to” I yelled

“Jamie would you like a minute”

“No sir” I say quietly

“You need to breathe” he says calmly

“I’m not leaving, I didn’t do any-” I shake my head

“You want me to get the p-”

“No!” I yell

“Sir, I’ll take her outside”

I get pulled out of my seat by Akemi and I’m shaking all over as we walk, all I see are blurred dots and squiggles. Occasionally I see rainbows but that’ irrelevant. I’m pulled to a bench and I pull my knees to my body and start rolling side to side.

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