Part 1

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"Why did you lie to him?" Jade asked me when I walked back to the door after Magnus left, it was heartbreaking to see him broke down on the floor begging me for Alec to be alive, if only he knew. "I had too, its his mother's wishes, to be reunited with their family again, no distraction. They need to find themselves first before they find each other. If fate would had been kinder, I would let him know the truth but he need this. They needed this. Plus its his mother request to bring him back to Italy after he stable. The rest of his family is coming in few hours. I'm sure Magnus is the last person they want to see after what his mother told me." I told him and he didn't say any word. He just nodded as we walked to Jax's room to see our brother. We told him what happened and he sighed thinking it was over but things with Alec and his family need to be solve first. Magnus need this space, he need this for his own good.

Present day

Alec POV

I woke up again middle of the night jolted from my dream. My sheets are soaked with my sweats and so does my body. I wiped my forehead with the back of my palm. I sat up trying to catch my breath. Its always the same dream, dream of him. I don't know who he is, I can't barely see his face. Every time I want to see his face, its blurred and I will hear gun shot. Odd how I never heard gun shot my whole life only in a movies but this one is closer and more softer. I woke up from my coma almost two years ago after being hospitalized for more than two weeks. I woke up in Italy not knowing my life that happened in New York. I didn't have any memories other than our childhood and going to high school and everything after that is blurred.

Every time I tried to think about it, my head gets throbbing and pain and I passed out or sometimes even worst I had seizure. The doctor said I'm fine and I will heal but I had to take my medication and it stopped for like a year ago. My parents told me that I was kidnapped for years they are trying to search for me but failed and when they found me they immediately took me far away from the States and now we are living in Italy.

I wondered when I woke up, my hands and legs are bruised on the joints and they told me its because of the ties the kidnapper did to me. I never knew who my kidnapper was and they told me, it was a business rival with my dad. They were all killed when they found me. Mum and dad had been weird when I woke up, they all acted like they haven't seen each other in a while and mum said she also were kidnapped by them and doesn't know it was the same kidnapper that took me. We found each other after the police found us and I know she was hiding something from me.

All their stories is too good to be true and I was contented to find out. Dad never been the same since I woke up, he kept his distance away from me and barely spoke to me. I tried to find out why but Jace and Izzy just said that he needs time to adjust after all those years I'd gone. I kept dreaming since I woke up about a guy with black hair and a boy. I don't think that boy is me since I can vaguely remember our conversation. Sometimes the words are vivid and sometimes it doesn't, makes it harder for me to remember.

Every single time I woke from my nightmare, my head throbbed in pain and I need to relieved myself with pain killers. So I got off my bed and headed to the bathroom for my supplies. I looked at myself in the mirror and I kept saying this isn't me. I know its weird but the only thing I remember is how I look but I got skinnier since I got kidnapped and now I managed to put a little bit of weight and Jace forced me to workout with him, hence, the muscles. I grabbed the glass from the cabinet and one tablet of Advil before I gulped it down. My throat dried after I swallowed and finished my drink before I went back to my bed.

I sighed remembering the first time I woke up from my coma, I can barely remember anything. The last time I did, my mother had shorter hair and so does Izzy. Jace is way skinnier and my father definitely not losing that much of hair as I remembered. I still remember Max, when he died. Our family grief and we moved on but I felt like I need another closure.

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