2 "Here we go again"

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In the evening I sat by the fireplace in the living room and drank wine. Every minute I glanced at the phone in hope that FP would call me.

"The city is in chaos" Betty came home and looked at me. I ran to her immediately and hugged her tightly.

"Elizabeth, where were you? I was worried about you," I said.

I was ashamed to admit it, but I forgot about my daughter today.

"People have gone berserk. There are riots."

"Betty, calm down. You're safe here," I whispered.

"Mom, you don't understand. Hermione Lodge gave the order to close the city gates... You know quarantine... which means that Jughead won't return to Riverdale and I don't know when I will see him again "Betty burst into tears and I opened my eyes wide.

I took a deep breath, knowing that since Jughead didn't come back, FP was also here. I felt weak.

"Betty, it will be fine, it will take a few days," I whispered and took my daughter to the sofa. "Call Jughead" I told her with a smile.

"Do you think he'll pick up the phone from me?"

"Yes of course"

When my daughter went to call Jughead, I went to the door and opened it. What was happening on my street was simply beyond the palę.

I noticed Fred, who was also terrified standing on the porch and watched the police cars wandering the street - one after the other.

I felt tears in my eyes hearing the gun shots in the distance. Fred disappeared in the door of his house, so I did the same. I closed the door with my trembling hands and leaned my back against the wall. I began to breathe heavily. I heard a fragment of the song "I love rock and roll" And I realized that's my phone. I pulled it from my back pocket and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked quietly. My voice was trembling.

"It's me, Al." hearing his voice breathed a sigh of relief.

"FP" I whispered softly, wiping tears from the cheeks.

"We didn't manage to enter the city." The policemen were aiming at us with guns. "

"FP, isn't better here. I'm scared, I don't know how long it will take "I shook my head and sat on the couch."

"Don't worry, Al. It'll be fine. It won't take long."

"How do you know that?"

"I feel it. I got to go, I'm afraid that they can control our phone calls. I'll call you as soon as I have the opportunity."

"Okay, FP. I will wait for the phone."

"It's hard to say goodbye to you, Alice, "his gentle voice, made me feel shivers on my body,"

"It's hard for me too" I whispered.

"Goodbye "He added and disconnected.

"I love you" I said quietly knowing that FP wasn't hear me.

FP broke another promise because he didn't call me. During these two long months, when Riverdale was in quarantine, he never spoke to me. I slowly began to accept that it was the end of our relationship.

When Betty informed me that Jughead and his family had returned to Riverdale, I wasn't happy.

Family - it meant Gladys. And if Gladys comes back, FP will come back to her to create a semblance of a normal family for their children.

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