33 "Wait, where is Charles?!"

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"It was a great birthday party. " said Betty when we returned home.

"Yes" I smiled at her. I looked at the front door. They were open.

"Wendy again went to smoke weed and forgot to close the door?" Betty asked, and I looked at her surprised. My sister smoke weed ?!

"No" I shook my head. "Wendy wouldn't do it, she always closes the door," I said and looked at Betty.

I had a bad feeling inside. The light only shine in the living room and it was very quiet. Too quiet.

"Mom" Betty whispered quietly, she was terrified.

"Hold on to me," I said and went to the door.

When I went into the house on the floor in the living room, I noticed the unconscious Wendy. She lay in a big pool of blood. I shouted loudly and ran up to her. I grabbed her by the shoulders and yanked her slightly to wake her up.

"Oh my God!" Betty shouted and looked around.

"Wendy, wake up," I said, and there were tears in my eyes. I was horrified. "Wendy, please!"

"Mom, someone had to hit her on the head," said Betty. "With this rod" she pointed to the rod by the fireplace.

"Oh God," I shouted miserably. "I need to call an ambulance ... Wait, where is Charles?!" I asked.

"I'll check upstairs," said Betty, and I nodded.

I called an ambulance and then tried to stop the bleeding with towels. My daughter came down terrified a moment later. She held Charles's blanket in her hand.

"Mom ..." she whispered, and I looked at her.

"What?" I asked, and my body began to shake.

"There is no Charles," she whispered. "He's gone" she cried, and I shook my head.

"No, that can not be true! No!" I shouted and ran to the room. When I noticed that the cradle was empty, I fell into a rage and began to demolish my bedroom. "Charles!" I shouted and shouted.

Nothing. There was no Charles. Someone kidnapped my son.
My sister is bleeding. It's my fault.


"Alice" FP appeared at our home and immediately hugged me.

The ambulance took Wendy to the hospital and I stayed at home.

"I have to wipe this blood," I murmured. I was in shock.

"Honey, Wendy will be fine," FP smiled and I shook my head.

"Charles," I whispered softly, and he frowned.

"What's with him?"

"He's not here."

"What are you talking about?"

"FP, they kidnapped our child" I cried loudly, and FP hugged me tight.

"We will find Charles, the person who kidnapped him will pay for it," he whispered.

He was so calm and patient, but I knew that in a Few seconds he'll understand my words.


"Fuck! How it came to this" he stepped away from me and shouted.

With anger he demolished the lamp and chairs in the living room, and then he fell to the floor and cried. "Our child," he whispered and looked at me like a small, vulnerable child. What should I do? I also started to cry, but I couldn't give up.

I left the house and got in the car. FP ran after me.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm going to find my son," I said.

"It's the middle of the night!" "I don't care," I shouted and drove away with a screech of tires. I went straight to the Lodge residence, because I knew that Hiram had a lot in common with it.

I didn't call the door. I went to their residence like a storm.

"Where is your husband?" I asked Hermione when I entered the living room.

"Alice, what happened?"

"My child has been kidnapped," I shouted and ran to Hiram's office. "You motherfucker" I growled and went to his desk. He looked at me with his calm eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing here?" he asked and I snorted.

"Don't pretend, Hiram. That's what you want. You want me to come here," I growled. "You have the nerve to attack my sister and kidnap my child!"

"Have you lost your mind? Do you think I have time to kidnap your child?" he asked, and I nodded.

"I think you have time for that."

"If you want I'll help you to find your son. Maybe I'm son of a bitch but I would never kidnap a child." His words surprised me, but I was too overwhelmed to accept it.

"If I find out that it's you ... I will kill you," I said in a serious tone of voice.


A few days passed. Those were really hard days for me. We were looking for Charles from morning to night. We have involved the entire town.

"Mom, eat something," said Betty. She sat next to me. She was just as sad as me.

"I'm not hungry," I whispered. During those few days I didn't eat anything, I only drank coffee and smoked cigarettes. I lost weight and it was visible, but I didn't care. I wanted to find my son.

"Mom, when did you last sleep?"

"I closed my eyes for a moment when I was sneezing, that's it" I shrugged. "I'm waiting for the phone all the time, Betty. I'm afraid Charles is dead," I whispered, and my daughter shook her head.

"Don't even think like that!" she said. "We'll find Charles" she whispered.

"I'm going for a walk" I murmured and left the house. I decided to go to Anthony to talk to him." I knocked on the door and after a moment Anthony opened it. He was surprised when he saw me, he was even a little confused.

"Alice! "he said.

"Can I go in?"I asked and he shook his head.

"Not now. I'm sorry, Alice, but I have a lot of work in the company ... "he said, it didn't sound convincing.

"I understand" I nodded. "Why do you have a baby pram in the hall? "I asked and frowned.

Something was wrong.

"My cousin from Greendale came with his son, "he answered.

"Can I see him?" I was inquisitive.

"Another time, okay? I'm really busy. Bye, Alice. "Anthony closed the door.

What are you hiding Anthony?

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