19 "Spill the tea"

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A few days passed. Because of the pregnancy, I felt worse and worse and couldn't concentrate on work. I considered a vacation until the end of pregnancy, but there were so many articles to write ...

I went outside the Newsroom to breathe the fresh air. I lacked oxygen in my lungs. I started walking along the sidewalk, smiling at friends passing by.

"Alice!" I raised my head when I heard FP's voice. I waved at him and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked when I hugged him.

We weren't in a relationship, we didn't even have sex. We needed our closeness as friends. I know that it sounded strange, but I got along better with FP and I was discovering what a great man he is.

"I brought you something sweet," he replied and handed me a paper bag. I opened it with a smile and looked at the big donut.

"Do you want me to be even bigger than I am?" I asked, and he laughed.

"You're perfect to me." he whispered, and I blushed. Suddenly I felt a cramp in my stomach, so I grabbed myself for this place. FP looked at me worried.

"All good?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Yes" I lied. Nothing was fine. I felt worse and worse. "Just cramps, it's normal for pregnancy," I added, and he looked at me doubtfully.

"Alice ... Is something wrong?"

"Everything's okay. If something was wrong, you would know about it," I said. "How are things going with a divorce?"

Really, Alice. You believe in it?

"Good," he answered.

"Of course," I shook my head in amusement. "It's been almost two weeks, and you didn't do anything," I said loudly, hurt by my naivety.

"I noticed Gladys trying to fizycznie Our marriage. She's a very good mother for Jelly and Jughead."

"Did you just let me know that you gave her a chance?" I asked, annoyed.

"Alice ..." FP tried to grab me, but I moved away from him.

"You egoist," I whispered. "You are a wracker ... This woman intimidated me that he would kill our child, and you want to give her a chance?" I finally broke out.

"What did she do?" I noticed that he clenched his hands into fists. He got angry, which pleased me. Somehow it depended on him.

"Yes, FP. She threatened me at tje wedding that she won't let me give birth if I continued to meet with you." I whispered.

I decided to pretend that I was afraid of Gladys. I started crying.

"Hermione can confirm this if you don't believe me, she defended me," I added sadly.

"I'll talk to Gladys about it ..." he whispered and looked into my eyes. "I will also talk to her about the divorce, I promise. You believe me, right?" he asked.

I don't believe you.

"Yes, I believe you," I said with a smile and went into the Newsroom.


When I finished my job, I left the Newsroom and closed the building. When I went to the parking lot, I noticed Gladys beside my car. I sighed heavily.

"I haven't seen you for a long time," I said and pulled the keys out of my purse. Gladys smiled broadly and pulled a knife out of her pants pocket.

She's high, right?

"Let me guess, you won't let me enter the car, you will start talking about how I should detach myself from FP, and at the end you will scare me with a knife, right?" I crossed my arms and she came to me with a laugh.

"What did you tell my husband? He is talking about divorce all the time?"

"Nothing" shrugged. "You may not believe me, but I didn't tell him anything," I added with a smile.

"You're right, I don't believe you," she murmured and looked at me. "I'm not here to scare you, I have something interesting for you," she added, and I raised my surprised eyebrows.

"I'm all ears," I said, and she smiled.

"Let's say that when I lived in Toledo, I did business with Hiram," she said in a calm tone and began to touch a strand of my hair.

"Hmm, smuggling drugs failed" I sneered and she rolled her eyes.

"He tricked me. He tricked on me with a lot of money... I want to get this bloody money back, but I need your help," she murmured, and I rolled my eyes.

"Am I supose to write an article that slanders him? I have a child inside me! I will not let any of Hiram's people catch me and kill me," I said.

"You will not write any articles about him. You just have to help me break into the Lodge's house, or exactly Hiram's office."

"You're crazy. Ask one of your Toledo Serpents for a little help." I snorted.

"It's not that simple. I'd like to do it without them..."

"You take advantage of the fact that your husband is the sheriff, so you know that he won't do anything to you for a burglary. But why do you pull me to this? You want FP to arrest me, handcuff me and fuc..." Gladys interrupted me by covering my mouth with her hand.

"Shut up," she growled, and I moved away from her.

"Pervert" I murmured.

"You must write an article denigrating Penelope Blossom. We both know how Penelope has a weakness for cyanide. We also know that some of the men in her family died of cyanide poisoning. Spill the tea. Let people talk about it... They will be fascinated and forget about Hiram and then I'll deal with him. If you know what I mean. "she replied, and I nodded with a smile.

"I like this idea" I approached her and looked into her eyes. Perhaps it's hormones, but she had pretty eyes.

"I think our cooperation will be successful," she said, and I smiled.

"I think that too, Gladys"


When I returned home, worried Elizabeth greeted me. I looked at her surprised.

"Honey, what happened?" I asked, and she sighed heavily.

"I saw Jughead today with ..." tears flowed down her cheeks. I understood that something was wrong. "With another girl," she added, and my heart broke the same as my daughter's.

"Maybe it's his friend ..." I whispered and hugged my daughter.

"No, mom, it was Toni," she whispered, and I was surprised.

"But Toni is with Cheryl ... Wait, Betty...?"

"Cheryl and Toni broke up, Veronica is with Reggie now, and Archie is in love with Josie," she said, and I took a deep breath.

I thought that parents' life in Riverdale is worse ... I was wrong.

"What's going on in this town?" She shook her head.

"Everything is breaking down. Everything is because of Hiram..." she whispered, and I stroked her hair.

"Everything will be fine." I murmured and stepped away from my daughter. I pulled the phone out of my pocket and wrote a message to Gladys.

When do you want to break into this coward's house? I will help you.

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