26 "breakdown"

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I waited impatiently for my daughter to come back from the walk. I called her a few times, but she did not answer. I thought I would get a heart attack because of the nerves that got me. I walked restlessly around the living room thinking up the worst scenarios. Did Hiram kidnap her? Did he kidnap Charles? Did he kill them both?

It made me sick of these ridiculous thoughts and ran to the sink in the kitchen to vomit. It was stronger than me, this stress paralyzing my body.

I grabbed the kitchen counter with my hands to have some stabilization in the event of a fall on the floor. My legs were weak, soft as jelly. I wanted Betty to come home.

I finished vomiting and cleaned the sink. I immediately went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror, at my poor reflection, and swallowed. I looked bad. I looked terrible. I had blurred makeup, fear in my eyes, widened pupils.

Without thinking, I picked up a cotton swab and a make-up remover. I moistened the swab with a make-up remover and began to wipe my face. I washed the smeared mascara, then washed off my red lipstick.

Now I just looked like real Alice Smith. Terrified woman who, under a thick layer of makeup, hides her sadness and suffering.

Tears flowed down my cheeks. Without thinking, I pulled a vial of sedatives from the cupboard that was above the sink. I opened the lid with my teeth and poured the contents of the vial into my hand. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and then at the pills and again at my reflection in the mirror.

Do you want to do this? Do you really want to end your life?

In my mind I fought a battle with my thoughts. Every thought told me something else.

Think about your children. Think about your family. Do you want to give up so easily? Where is this strong Alice Susanna Smith, who dealt with everything and supported loved ones in difficult times! It isn't worth finishing with your life in this way!

I threw all the pills in the toilet and rinsed off the water. I went to the mirror once again and smiled broadly. I put a foundation on my face, fixed my eyes with a mascara and I put lipstick on my lips. I got my hair in a bun and left the toilet. The moment of breakdown passed, and I felt good again.

I couldn't be afraid of Hiram. I couldn't let him break into my life. I grabbed the phone and noticed a message from Betty.

"I'm at Archie's, my phone died, and Archie lent me a charger. I'll be back in half an hour. Charles is sleeping sweetly, "I read with relief. Something heavy has disappeared from my chest. I sat on the sofa and sighed deeply.

Hiram didn't do anything Betty. He wouldn't dare.


Betty returned home. I sat on the sofa in the living room and read a book. 

"Hi mum! We're home," she said and pulled the cart into the living room. 

I smiled and put the book down on the table. I leaned my hands on the sofa and stood up. I went to Betty and hugged her. 

"That's good." 

"Mom, are you okay?" 

"Yes, Betty" I nodded and stroked my son's cheek. "I have a surprise for you," I added and I grabbed my daughter's hands. 

"Surprise?" Betty raised her eyebrows and I nodded. 

"Yes. Well, your aunt will come to us for a few days," I said, and Betty sighed. "You mean Hal's cousin?" she rolled her eyes and I shook my head. 

"No, Betty ... Em ... My sister is coming to visit us tomorrow," I said, and Betty screamed. 

"You have a what?" she asked loudly. "Since when?!" 

"Since birth," I shrugged. 

"Wait, do you have a twin sister?" 

"Yeah. Shocking, isn't it?" 

"Grandma never told me about her!" 

"Because Wendy was a black sheep of the family. She ruled southside and she didn't want to go to school. My mother keeps regular contact with her, but she doesn't talk about her." 

"Why?" Betty was surprised. 

"I don't know, Betty"

Seriously, I don't know why my mother never talk about Wendy. She isn't that bad.

"That's weird" Betty waved her hands. 

"She's coming tomorrow, she'll stay with us for a few days" 

"Em ... We've got a free room, so... that would be... oh, God." 

"Betty ..." 

"No, mom. It's okay. It's just strange to me but I'm happy that I'll finally meet my aunt"

"I'm going to put Charles to sleep, "I said, and my daughter nodded.

"I'll make a coffee," Betty said.

"Good. You make a coffee and then I'll tell you everything you need to know about aunt Wendy. "I smiled and went upstairs with Charles.


"Look," I sat next to Betty and put a photo album in front of her. I opened it on the first page. I pointed the photo in which I was with Wendy.

"Woow, mom, you really look the same," Betty said, and I laughed.

"I know, that's why we're twins," I replied, and Betty rolled her eyes. She turned the next page.

"Auntie and Mr. Andrews?"

I glanced at the photograph. Wendy was sitting on Fred's shoulders, who was smiling broadly at the camera.

"They were good friends," I replied. "And here is Gladys and Wendy," I added quietly and swallowed. I didn't want my daughter to see this picture.

"Why does Gladys kiss aunt on the cheek?"

Because they were in love.

"They used to be friends too ..."


"So you all were friends??"

"Yes, exactly. But then everyone went their own way," I shrugged and reached for a cup of coffee. "Ask what you want, I'll answer every question"

"Does aut Wendy have children?"

"No," I shook my head.

"Does she have a husband?"

"He died... a few years ago," I cleared my throat and drank coffee. I hoped that my daughter wouldn't want to know why the old millionaire die.

"It's sad. And why did he die?"

Oh God.

"He was sick. It's sad... I don't want to talk about it," I said with a fake regret, and my daughter nodded.

"We don't need to talk about it. It's probably a heavy topic for you and aunt Wendy."

For me yes because Wendy inherited a fortune ... She always knew how to set herself up in life.


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