5 "Fuck You, Gladys"

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"Mom, did you say hello to our new neighbors?" Betty asked when she got home. She put the backpack on the floor and came up to me. I looked at her surprised.

"New neighbors?" I went to the living room window to see about who my daughter was talking about.

"Yes." Betty nodded and stood next to me.

"We won't bother them now," I said and looked carefully at the person who was taking the suitcase from the trunk. He was a handsome, tall, dark-haired man.

"It's got hot in here, isn't it?" Betty laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"No, Elizabeth. Go to the dining room, I'll give you breakfast" I said sharply, and Betty sighed heavily.

When she went to the dining room, I peeked through the windows for the last time, but the handsome man was gone.

"Maybe we bake a cake or cookies? And we'll go to greet them?" my daughter didn't give up."This gentleman is a widower," she added, and I rolled my eyes.

Of course, I could have guessed that Betty was looking for a man for me.

"No, we won't go there, Elizabeth, don't try to play with matchmaking" I wagged my finger at her and gave her a soup. "Eat. Bon apettit," I added.


When I was going to sleep, I heard my phone ringtone. I took a deep breath and looked at the screen.


For a moment I felt like not answering the call, but I had a strange feeling inside so I picked up the phone.

"FP?" I asked after a moment. I heard his drunk voice. 

"Al..alice" He stammered, and I rolled my eyes.

"You're totally drunk, FP. Call me when you'll be sober," I said irritated.

He promised me he wouldn't come back to drink. Another promise that turned out to be false. 

"I love you. I love you, but you don't want to be with me... I'm happy when I'm drunk" 

"You are happy when you're drunk... Seriously?" I asked and got out of bed. "Where are you, Forsythe?" I asked. 

I knew I was making a mistake going to him, but I couldn't leave him alone. Apparently, Gladys was completely uninterested in him. 

"Trailer," he murmured. 

"Where's Gladys?" I asked.

"Gladys doesn't live here. She doesn't live with me." when he said it, something in my heart warmed up. 


"Yes, I need you, even today, for one night," he whispered pleading. He was about to cry. I couldn't refuse him.

"I'll be there" I said and hung up. 

I grabbed my coat and ran out of the house. I got into the car and drove to Southside. The road lasted less than ten minutes.

I parked next to the trailer and got out of the car. I entered the trailer without asking and looked around carefully. I looked at FP.

"What did you do?" I asked when I saw him lying on the couch among cans of beer. I shook my head and went to him. I sat next to him and gently hit him on the cheek to wake him up.

"Alice ..." he just murmured and turned to the other side.

I didn't have strength to him, but I decided that I couldn't leave him in this condition alone. I covered him with a blanket, and then I got up and undressed my coat. I put it on the couch and then tied my hair into a loose pony.

I cleaned all the cans and poured their contents into the sink. I washed the dishes and put it in the cupboards.

When I finished cleaning kitchen I cooked a broth, I knew that FP would needed it.

I had hangover pills in my purse (I bought them just in case, of course), so I pulled them out. I poured a glass of water and sat near FP. I jerked him to wake up.

"Wake up," I said sharply as he opened his eyes. He looked at me suprised and then grabbed his head.

"My head hurts," he said, and I rolled my eyes.

"You deserve it" I shrugged and gave him two pills and a glass of water. "Drink. Maybe you'll feel better," I said when he took the pills from me.

"Thank you, Alice and ... I'm sorry," he said and took the pills.

"Now go and take a shower" I got up from the couch, ignoring his apology. However FP took my hand.

"I'm sorry ," he repeated, and I nodded.

"These words have lost their value in your mounth. I don't believe you."

"I fucked up" FP let go of my hand and I felt cold for a moment. "I'm going to take a shower. Thank you for everything" he got up and came up to me. He kissed me quickly on the cheek and went to the bathroom.

"What are you doing here?" I jumped when I heard Gladys's voice.

I took a deep breath, because the situation as usual had taken the worst turn.

I turned to Gladys and looked at her,

"Leave my husband's shirt," she added as I looked at my hands. Indeed, I had FP shirts in them.

"Your husband called me drunk and asked for help," I said and shrugged.

"Why did he call you instead of me?" Gladys came to me and crossed her arms.

"I don't know, maybe he felt he could count on me" I put FP's shirt down on the couch.

"I'll tell you something, Alice." Gladys grabbed a lock of my hair to her hand. "Wife will always be in first place, regardless of how much her husband will have a lover."

I hate you.

I looked into her eyes.

"As I told you at dinner, I don't sleep with your husband, Gladys," I said firmly.

"In that case, you're not need here anymore because I came back home. I will take care of the FP"

You fucking bitch.

"Take care of him, after all, it's your husband," I said and grabbed my coat.

A husband you left for a few months...

"Good night Alice, I will watch my back if I were you. Southside is dangerous at night"

I didn't like the tone of her voice. I swallowed. I opened the door and squinted. I felt the old Alice wake up in me.

Fuck you, Gladys.

I clenched my hands into fists.

"Fuck you, Gladys," I said, a bit too loudly than I planned.

"What was that?!" I heard the outraged Gladys voice.

Don't pretend to be stupid. You know what I said.

"Glad you're back, Gladys," I said louder and left the trailer.

I laughed softly. I wanted to be Alice Smith straight from Southside again.

And maybe I will be.

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