8 "A little bird told me"

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"Thank you for a nice afternoon and I apologize for the jacket," I said when Anthony walked me home.

"Alice, nothing has happened, really," he answered with a smile, and I blushed.

"Next time I won't order a coffee" I laughed after a short while.

"Will it be next time? Do you want to meet me again?" I felt astonishment in his voice.

"Yes, of course, yes." I said and I approached him. I kissed him on the cheek and stepped back.

"I will go, goodbye," I waved to him and went home.


"Mom, I have great news!" Betty came into the kitchen and I jumped.

"Elizabeth you scared me!" I said and turned to her. "What's the news?" I asked.

"We're finishing decorating The Smith Register."

"Really? Betty, how? When?" I asked with a smile and she hugged me.

"With a little help from Cheryl and my money from the inheritance, we bought everything that was needed," she replied.

"You didn't have to do it!" I said.

"But we made it, I couldn't look how sad you were, so I did it for you so that you would finally be happy"

"Betty, I love you," I whispered with tears in my eyes.

"I love you, too. Now come on, we're going to see your new job." Betty grabbed my hand and we went to the car.

When we checked The Smith Register, we returned home. I didn't know what to say to my daughter when I'll go out to meet FP.

I was a little overwhelmed by our 'forbidden romance'.

"Mom, you're upset." Betty looked at me while I made tea.

Quick, Alice, think of something.

"Opening The Smith Register is stressing me. I'm afraid I can't do it." At this moment I didn't care about this.

"Mom, you know, I will help you with everything. "My daughter replied and I nodded.

"I know. I love you, "I whispered softly and stroked her cheek.

"I love you too, "she said with a smile.

God, thank you for my daughter.

"Ym ... Mom. Can I go to Veronica tonight? "I looked at her suspiciously.

"Is Veronica's name Jughead? "I asked, and she was indignant.

"No, Mom! "She cried out.


I knew she was lying, but I wasn't better.

Hey, Elizabeth, I'm fucking your boyfriend's dad so you could do the same with your boyfriend!


Alice, what an example do you give your daughter?

" You can go to Veronica, "I said with a sigh.

"You're the best! "Betty hugged me.

"I know, Betty, "I replied," say hello to Jughead, "I whispered in her ear, and she moved away from me.

"Mother, stop it!" She shouted and ran off her room.

I laughed at her. I poured a cup of tea and took a phone to check my e-mail. I noticed a message from FP.

"Meet me at Whyte Wyrm"

He surprised me with his sudden change of plans.

I replied a short "Okay" and went back to drinking tea.

Something wasn't right. I felt it...

Before midnight, I left the house and got into the car. I went to Whyte Wyrm and parked in the parking lot. I left the car and bit my lip.

Something didn't suit me. It was too quiet. There was no FP, there wasn't even his motorcycle. I felt exposed. I felt like I was getting caught in a trap.

"Alice Cooper!" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned to my interlocutor.

"Gladys? What is it supposed to be?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Gladys shrugged and came up to me. "Let's talk like a woman with a woman, like a wife with a mistress." Gladys smiled nastily.

"How do you know about it?" I looked her in the eye, fighting with fear. I wasn't afraid of Gladys, but it terrified me for what she was capable of.

"A little bird told me" She answered and I swallowed.

"Are you so desperate that you talk to birds?" I laughed ironically.

"Listen to me, Northside bitch" Gladys grabbed me by the collar of my coat and pressed it to the car bonnet.

"Take away the paws," I growled and grabbed her wrists.

"Or what will you do to me? Do you rub me with your fake nails?" she asked, and I gritted my teeth.

"My nails were too expensive to destroy them on your face"

"To be clear, Nortshide princess, You don't fit in. You don't fit with FP. I will not let you take him away from me. He belongs to me." Gladys came closer to me and my heart was beating dangerously.

"Take him, I don't need him," I said.

What a lie.

"You love him," Gladys shook her head. "But he chose me instead of you. "

"For the good of your family," I replied and pushed her away.

"Are you showing claws?"

"Fuck you"

"I'll be with my husband," Gladys smiled sweetly.

Bitch. I hate you.

"You better stay away from him if you want to keep smiling on your beautiful face, I warn you" Gladys pointed a finger at me and I felt tears in my eyes.

"Or what? Will you cut me? It's in your style," I snorted.

"What was that?" Gladys growled.

"You heard me," I approached her and measured her with my eyes.

"Watch yourself, Alice, I'll keep an eye on you." Gladys turned and walked away.

I was standing in the middle of the parking lot with a beating heart and tears in my eyes. I started to breathe heavily because of the stress inside me. I went to my car and got into it.

You hurt me, FP.

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