37 "Our family is so weird anyway"

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"You're so stubborn" I heare his voice and looked at him. He came towards me, he was determined. He came on the stage and grabbed my hands. Moments later, he threw me over his shoulder and left the bar. I started punching him on his back to let me go, but he didn't listen to me. The only thing I heard was his laughter. After a while, I got a smack on the buttock from him. I jumped.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, "Put me on the ground," I added louder when we left speakeasy.

"Here you are." he said and put me on the stairs. He grabbed me by the shoulders. "You pissed me off," he said. I laughed.

"You're pissed me off too, so what?" I said and stepped away from him. "What's your problem, FP?" I asked. I leaned my hip against his motorbike and crossed my arms.

"I don't want to lose you," he said, and I laughed.

"You have already lost me"

"No, I don't acknowledge that you are not mine"

"You don't have any other choice!" I screamed. He could not stand it and kissed me brutally. I couldn't push him away from me, so I bit his bottom lip. He moved away from me and wiped the blood with the tip of his tongue.

"What was it supposed to be?" he asked, and I looked at him furiously.

"What you deserve" I shouted and pushed him away.

"Give me a few months," he asked, and I shook my head.

"You know that now your wife is probably fucking my sister ?! I'm sure you know, I'm tired of asking you to make the right decision, I'm tired of waiting for you. And you want me to give you another few months?! " I yelled loudly and punched him in the chest. 

After a moment, FP received the phone. 

"Jug, calm down. Again and slowly... What happened?" silent. "How?! How did you take care of her ?! I'm going there," he said, terrified. I looked at him and breathed heavily.

"What happened?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Jellybean disappeared," he whispered, and I opened my mouth wide.

"Come on FP," I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards his motorbike. "We find her" we got on his motorbike and drove straight towards Whyte Wyrm, where Jughead and the rest of Snakes were.


"I'm scared ..." whispered FP when we got to Whyte Wyrm. "First Charles, now Jellybean," he added and shook his head.

I was sad looking at his suffering face. Despite our quarrel and the relations we had, I was very worried about him.

"Hey, She'll be fine," I said and stroked his cheek.

"Alice, I'm sorry for everything," he whispered and grabbed my hand. I felt him lose all strength. He knelt down in front of me and looked into my eyes.

"FP, get up" I asked quietly, and tears appeared in my eyes. "This is not the time to talk about us now. Get up"

FP shook his head and hugged my head to my stomach. I felt his sobs shake. I began to stroke him soothingly on the head, refraining from crying. I didn't speak, I didn't say anything. I wanted FP to cry in silent. I wanted to be with him and support him.

"I want to be with you," he whispered as he lifted his head. I nodded with a smile.

"I want to be with you too," I replied. "But we'll talk about it later. Stand up," I patted him on the cheek.

FP looked at me for another few seconds, then stood up and wiped tears from his eyes. He looked at me and kissed me on the lips.

"Thank you for being with me"

"I will always be with you" I smiled. "Come on, we must find Jellybean"

We entered Whyte Wyrm, where we found Jellybean, Jughead and Betty. I looked at the FP and then at my daughter, who was smiling. FP was clearly confused.

"Jellybean" he whispered and looked at Jughead. "She didn't go missing, right?"

"Yes," said Jughead. FP was bad.

"This is no time for jokes, Jughead! Do you know what I felt when they kidnapped Charles ?!" FP growled, and I took hold of him by the hand to calm him down.

"I know," Jughead nodded. "If it was not for the idea of Jelly's disappearance, you would never come here together."  Betty muttered. I frowned.

"Elizabeth, are you involved in this?" I asked, and my daughter nodded.

"Yes" my daughter got up from the couch. "We want you to finally be reconciled"

"We are fine." I said, and Betty sighed heavily.

"Yeah, completely fine" FP nodded his head.

"We have something for you, Dad. That will make you happy" Jughead pulled a pile of documents from behind his back. I frowned.

"What is this?" he asked FP when Jughead gave him a file of documents.

"See it yourself," he replied.

FP looked at the documents and sighed heavily. I also looked at them and tears of happiness appeared in my eyes. Gladys signed divorce papers. FP and Gladys are no longer married. FP is free.

"How?" FP asked, and after a moment a smile appeared on his lips. He looked at the children. "But ... do you ... "You don't blame me? Especially you, Jellybelly?" he looked at his daughter.

"Our family is so weird anyway" Jellybean smiled. "I want you to be happy, daddy" she came up to him and hugged him. "I have known for a long time that mother, however, prefers women"

Such a statement from the mouth of an eleven-year-old was surprising. I stopped myself from smiling. It's nice that Jellybean accepted that FP and I are together and that her mom prefers women.

"I'm so happy," said FP.

"Me too," replied Jellybean. After a moment she looked at me.

"We need to get to know each other better, if you're going to be my stepmother," she said, and I nodded.

"I have a photo album with Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio at home." I said with a smile. "And all Guns N 'Roses albums"

"Okay, I feel we'll get along" Jellybean hugged me and we all laughed.

"By the way, where is Gladys?" asked FP, and Betty cleared her throat.

"At our home," she replied, and I rolled my eyes.

"With Wendy?" FP rolled his eyes.

"Poor Charles," I shook my head. "Poor my house ..." I added, and Betty laughed loudly.

"Charles is with Uncle Fred," Jughead replied, and I and FP breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Fred should definitely go for Aunt Hermione," I sighed heavily. 

"Reggie took care of Hermione, I got a message from him," said Betty, and I nodded.

"Thank God," I replied.

"What doesn't change the fact that Hermione went on stage and began to sing wrecking Ball"

"Oh no, we definitely have to go to her, FP," I said, and he nodded.

"Let's go" he grabbed my hand and we left with Whyte Wyrm.

A/N: One more chapter to go.

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