29 "Do you want to go with me?"

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After dinner Wendy went to the bedroom, Betty went to Veronica, and I dressed Charles and went outside with him. The weather was wonderful, a warm breeze and the sun.

"Alice!" I heard Anthony's voice and smiled at him.

"Hey!" I waved to him and went to him. I noticed that his shirt was dirty from the ground, and his pants were dirty with paint. "What are you doing?"

"Spring order" he replied and looked at his clothes. "Forgive me how I look ..."

"I didn't pay attention to it," I chuckled, and Charles started babbling.

"Hi, Charles" Anthony stroked Charles's head. "What a big you are!"

Charles reached out to Anthony. I laughed softly.

"Do you want to go to uncle?" I asked, and Charles clapped his hands. I looked at Anthony. "You have no choice. You must take him"

"With a pleasure" Anthony grabbed Charles and took him in his arms. He began to tickle him.

"Charles loves you," I laughed softly.

"Apparently," Anthony smiled slightly. He looked into my eyes and I blushed.

"I have a question for you. Well FP organizes his birthday party at Speakeasy and I wonder... Well, maybe... Do you want to go with me?" I asked uncertainly.

Anthony was a charming man and he deserved a little happiness in life. Maybe I should take a chance and try to create a relationship with him?

"Yes," he answered. "Of course"

"Yes? Seriously? Thar's good. I'm So happy." I smiled. "Ah, my twin sister came for a visit. Why don't you drop by for dinner with your son over the weekend?"

"You didn't say you had a sister!" he said and began to sway with Charles. "We will gladly come," he answered, and I nodded.

"Well, Wendy and I... We have a very complicate relationship," I smiled and went to Anthony. "See you later" I kissed him on the cheek and took Charles from gim.

I heard a grunt behind my back and I turned away. It was FP. My heart beat faster because I found myself in a rather awkward situation.

"Hi, FP" I replied, and Charles laughed when he saw his dad.

"I'll go then" replied Anthony, and I nodded. " We see each other on Saturday, right?" he asked.

"Yes" I let him wink.

"See you later." Anthony turned and walked toward his home.

"Are you two getting a date?" he asked FP, and I shrugged.

"Not your business," I replied. "Look Charles, daddy came," I added and gave my son's FP.

"I don't like that you're so close to Anthony"

"Why?" I crossed my arms and went to him. "I don't like that you're so close to Gladys"

"Because I'm jealous" he hissed and grabbed my hand. His grip was firm. I swallowed.

"That's good," I murmured and rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes!" he said and pulled me to him.

"Watch out for Charles," I put my hand on FP's chest to keep distance between us.

"Let's go for a walk," he said quietly, and I nodded.

"I will only go for a pram," I replied and went home trembling.

When I entered the living room I took a deep breath. The proximity of FP was unbearable to me. I wanted to hug him, kiss him and make love to him with breathlessness.

My heart hurt because Gladys was FP's wife all the time, and I didn't want to be the other one. I took a stroller and went back to FP.

We put Charles into the prac carefully and walked towards the city center.

"I've been thinking a lot lately," FP said, and I looked at him.

"About what?"

"That fate gave me an opportunity to be happy again with the person I love" FP gently took my hand. "And I'm wasting this opportunity all the time," he added. I swallowed and looked away.

"When did you come to that conclusion?" I asked with a trembling voice.

"When I understood that I couldn't be with Gladys. Everything disturbs me" FP stopped and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Why?" I asked, and tears appeared in my eyes.

"Because she is not you," he whispered and came closer to me. He wiped a single tear from my cheek with his thumb.

"FP ... we repeat the same mistakes," I said. "I don't want my heart to suffer"

"You are right, we're lost in our own words," he whispered, and I shook my head. I moved away from him.

"No, Forsythe, you're lost in your own words," I said and went ahead.

How long could I feel the pain in my heart because of FP? How long?


I returned home in the evening and immediately put Charles to sleep. After that, I went to the kitchen and pulled out my favorite wine from one of the cupboards. I opened it and went to the living room. I stood in the middle of the room and stretched.

I was tired today, so I decided to sit alone in front of the fireplace and get drunk. I took off my slippers and sat cross-legged on a carpet. I looked at the fire in the fireplace.

I took a deep breath and a single tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it quickly and drank wine.

"I thought you would call me. Drinking alone isn't good "I heard my sister's voice and I smiled. "Especially when you have such a weak head for alcohol like you," she added with a sneer, and I sighed heavily.

"I have a problem," I whispered. Wendy sat down next to me and picked up a bottle of wine.

"What problem?" she asked quietly.

"It's about FP"

"Oh God" Wendy drank wine. "Wine isn't enough for that. We have to drink something stronger" she shook her head and I laughed. I loved her sense of humor.

"I'm stupid, you know, I'm fucking stupid, FP is still deceiving me ... And I believe in his promises every time. As long as Gladys wasn't present in his life, we were happy. And now I'm unhappy and Our relationship... Is over" I said and picked up a bottle of wine. I took three big sips.

"Talk to him," Wendy shrugged. "Talk to him as Alice Smith would talk to him."

"Alice Smith would love to seduce him," I murmured.

"So what are you waiting for?" Wendy took a bottle of wine from me.

"I bet FP is still in his office, after all, as a lawman, he must keep an eye on the order in Riverdale." Wendy smiled unequivocally, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be back in ten minutes," I murmured with a smile and stood up. I went to the bedroom.

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