21 "You have no idea how happy I am"

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"What the fuck happened here?" he asked FP when he and a couple of Serpents entered the living room.

"Cat fight" Gladys said.

"Are you all okay?" fear appeared on his face when he looked at me. "Everything's fine, Al?" he asked, and I nodded.

Gladys cleared her throat loudly.

"Nothing happened to me either. Thanks for being interested in me, husband," she said, and FP ignored her words.

"Hiram sent his people to kill me," Hermione said, walking around the living room.

She was surprisingly calm.

"Wow" FP sighed.

"We'll go to prison," I whispered and I burst into tears.

Suddenly I felt powerless. Everything that happened happened to me. I made my own and my child's life a stupid desire for revenge.

"You won't go" FP knelt beside me and grabbed my hands. "I will do anything to hide these bodies," he added, and I nodded.

When I looked into his eyes, I felt like I was in an empty room with him for a moment. I didn't pay attention to other people. I was glad that FP was with me.

"We have to clean it up quickly," I said and got up from my chair. I looked at Hermione. "We need bleach and a lot of rugs," I added.

"What are we planning to do with them?" Gladys went to one of the corpses and looked at him.

"We will take them to the river, sprinkle with caustic soda and bury them," the FP replied and laid one hand on his hip.

Hello, handsome!

"And we will forget about the whole matter, right?" Hermione asked, and FP nodded.


"What about Hiram?" I asked.

"Where is he now?" said Gladys. She went to FP and put her hand on his shoulder. I bit my lip to see her behavior.

"Em ... I suspect that he is with his mistress now," Hermione threw her hands theatrically in the air and rolled her eyes.

"Hiram cheats on you?" I asked and she nodded. I could not believe that. "And you know about it?" Hermione nodded again.

"I cheats on him with Fred" Hermione answered.

I had to sit down. Definitely.

"Look, Alice! You have a lot in common. You both go to bed with someone else's husbands! "Gladys shouted, and I clenched my hands into fists.

"I swear that when I give birth to my child, I will get this smile from your face, "I said and grabbed my stomach.

"I can't wait!"

"Alice, okay?" FP came to me as I sat on the chair.

"Yes." I said with a smile. "Too many emotions for one day"

"It's time, boss," one of the Serpents said.

"You know what to do, boys," FP said and rose from the floor.

I wanted this day to end.


I came home and went to my bedroom. I didn't want to see Elizabeth now. I couldn't look her in the eye and say that I recently participated in a mass murder. She wouldn't be delighted. I closed the bedroom door with a key. I went to the bathroom. I undressed myself and poured water into the bathtub. I sat in it and closed my eyes. I didn't even notice when I fell asleep and found myself underwater.

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