36 "It's Over"

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"Can you come here and take me from this damn hospital?" I asked Alice on the phone. "The doctors told me that I could leave the hospital."

"Of course," she replied.

I felt something happened because my sister had a stuffy nose.

"Hey, everything all right?"

"Yes, Wendy, I'm coming," Alice disconnected.

With a sigh, I sat on the bed, and then I prepared myself to leave. When I went out into the corridor I noticed FP. He sat on one of the chairs with his head buried in his hands. He was exhausted.

"FP?" I asked and threw the bag on one shoulder. He looked at me completely devastated. "What happened?" I sat next to him.

"Charles is safe." he replied.

"That's great."

"And then there was the shooting. Gladys was hurt." he whispered and began to cry.

Hearing these words, I felt as if my world was slowly collapsing.

"How?!" I asked, and tears began to run down my cheeks.

"Hiram ... Hiram did it," he whispered and hugged me. I embraced him hard.


I didn't feel well. Too much happened in one night. I went to the hospital, not knowing how I still found the strength to go, because my legs refused to obey.

My hair was in disarray, my clothes were wrinkled, and my face was without makeup.

"In this situation, I can't get a divorce." I heard FP's voice. He frowned and leaned back against the column. I stuck my head out from behind the column to hear my sister's and FP's conversation better.

"I think Alice will understand ... But ..."

"But what, Wendy?"

"Alice is hurt by you. I don't know how many times you have rejected her, but... Just don't hurt her anymore, don't promise her anything if your promises are empty. This woman deserves happiness, not suffering "

I felt tears in my eyes, but I decided to be strong. I came out from behind the column and went to them.

"Hello ... Wendy, I'm here," I said, forcing myself to smile. "How are you?" I asked and looked with a smile at FP.

He stood up and hugged me without a word.

"I'm glad you are here," he whispered, and I smiled.

"Are you telling me that your divorce is canceled?" I asked, and he looked at me surprised.

"Alice ..."

"Take care of her, say hello to her and never again ask me for another chance, "I whispered in pain.

"Alice ..."

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