11 "You provoke me"

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I went on the stage and grab the microphone. I took a deep breath and smiled. I looked around the room to see all guests.

"Hello to all of you," I said. "I am very happy that you are here, it is a special day for me - opening my newsroom. I promise you that we will publish only the truth: no lies, no scams, only pure truth" when I heard applause, I blushed slightly. "And now I invite you to celebrate together," I added and left the stage. The music started to play in the speakers, and a few people gathered around me to congratulate me.

Then I sat at the table listening to Josie McCoy's enthusiastic singing. This girl had a unique talent.

"How are you?" Anthony asked. I smiled at him.

"Good" I smiled. "I'm sorry for a moment" I kissed him on the cheek and got up from the table.

I walked through the middle of the dance floor, straight to the bar. I didn't take my eyes off FP. I saw him sitting next to Gladys and clenching his fists. It was a satisfaction for me to see him so frustrated.

I sat at the bar and straightened out. The dress slipped from my thigh, revealing my skin.

"Something for you?" Reggie smiled at me.

"Sex on the beach" I answered with a smile and bit my lip.

I threw my hair back and glanced at FP. He rose from the table and walked towards me. He squeezed through the crowded dance floor with determination. I took a deep breath as he appeared next to me.

"You provoke me," he murmured in my ear, and I felt chills on my body.

"What?" I laughed artificially and drank the drink Reggie gave me.

"You heard me" he replied and sat down next to me. He put his hand on my exposed thigh and squeezed it tightly.

"What are you doing?" I asked and looked into his eyes. Our faces were very close to you.

"You're so sexy," he whispered and cheered me on the cheek. "Damn sexy," he added, and I bit my lip.

"I know," I nodded. "Anthony told me the same," I shrugged and grabie a drink. I got up and went to my table with a smile of satisfaction on my lips.


A few drinks later I felt great with Anthony by my side. We danced on the dance floor, he embraced me in my waist, and I kept my hands on his neck. We were like a teen couple, we kissed and nobody paid attention to us. Nobody instead of FP, who came to us and pulled me out of Anthony's embrace.

"My turn" he said and took me into his arms.

"Stop" I tried to get away from him. "People will look," I added, and he laughed.

"Let them look, I don't care," he said and kissed me on the cheek, then he began to kiss my chin gently. I was in heaven.

"FP" I moaned softly. "Not here," I added, and he smiled broadly.

"Why not?"

"Fuck you" I pushed him away and went to the toilet. My body was trembling. Tears ran down her cheeks.

I loved FP so much and I suffered so much because of it.

After a while the toilet door opened.

"Alice?" I heard FP's voice. I shook my head.

"Stop" I asked. "Get out!"

"I miss you" he embraced me in the waist, and I cried.

"I miss you too, and it hurts" I whispered and looked at him in the mirror. "But it doesn't change anything." I said and wiped tears from my cheeks. "You have Gladys and I'm alone" I added.

My words clearly upset him. I leaned on the sink and lowered my head down.

"If I could turn back time, FP" I whispered and shook my head. "I wouldn't go away with Hal. I would only stay with you, maybe we would be happy now, with our son," I finished and cried again.

FP hugged me from behind and hid his face in my hair.

"Things from the past won't come again." he whispered in my ear. "We must live on, Alice," he added, and I nodded.

"I found his grave" I whispered and looked at the mirrors.

"You did?" he asked and looked at me. I nodded.

"Yes, do you want to go with me there?" I asked and he smiled.

"Of course," he whispered. "We will go there together. We'll buy a bouquet of flowers and light a candle, although we can do that much," he added.

"A great idea" I wiped my eyes.

The bathroom door opened with impetus and Gladys entered. I rolled my eyes and stepped away from FP.

"What are you doing here, FP?" she asked and came to us.

"Not your business, Gladys," he answered dryly, and I swallowed.

"I told you to stay away from him" Gladys ran up to me and before she tugged me out of FP's touch. I was too overwhelmed by the earlier situation to react.

"Gladys, come on!" FP shouted.

"You are jealous of nothing. It's a mental illness," I said and pushed her away. "You will not intimidate me, I will not allow you to do this! And for your interest FP and I have something that connects us forever."I added and turned to FP. "If Gladys ever lets you out, come to me. You know what we have to do." after these words I left the toilet and immediately found Anthony.

"Alice, something happened?" he asked, and I nodded. "I need to confess you."

"Tell me"

"Not today, okay? I'll tell you tomorrow. Today I want to have fu ," I said and noticed Gladys from FP. They sat at a table and I bit my lip. "I want to play, Anthony." I added and kissed him on the lips.

When the party ended, I sat at the bar and started playing with a napkin. I was happy that this is the end for today.

"Mom, are you all right?" Betty asked, and I shook my head.

 "No, Betty, but don't worry," I replied. "Let's go home, Anthony will drive us," I added, and my daughter nodded.

"Okay" Betty grabbed my hand.

The lights in the room were slowly starting to go out as we walked to the exit.

What a day...

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