15 "I'm always ready for you"

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Why did I offer him an interview? All of the editors have gone home, and I was sitting in my office waiting for him.

I began to stroke my stomach to calm my little bean, which from the morning gave me no peace. It started to kick and didn't want to stop. FP should also feel the movements of our child.

I heard a knock on the door and I straightened up. I put my hands on my desk and looked ahead.

"Please," I said calmly.

"I am" FP entered the room and closed the door. I nodded.

"Sit down, let's start the interview," I pointed to the chair in front of me. "The sooner we start the faster each of us will be able to get back to our family"

"Good" FP sat on a chair and looked at me. I tried not to think about him, but his look pierced me.

I put on my glasses and pulled out the recorder. I put it on my desk and looked at FP.

"Ready?" I asked and he smiled.

"I'm always ready for you," he answered, and I rolled my eyes.

"The interview will be short, literally a few questions," I said and turned on the recorder.


"Have you been surprised when the mayor of Riverdale appointed you as a sheriff of the town?"

"Yes, of course, I'm very happy that the town has some authority, not counting Hirama Lodge."

"Another question ..." I didn't finish because FP interrupted me.

"Alice, this interview is pointless." FP looked at me, and I squinted.

"Do you question my journalistic skills?" I stood up and leaned my hands on the desk. I leaned over him.

"I wouldn't dare do that" FP also stood up and looked into my eyes. I swallowed.

"What do you want? You're here and I'm just wasting my time on your stupid talk," I growled, and he laughed.

"Do you prefer to waste your time on something completely different?" his hand stroked my cheek. I held my breath.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I closed it. I didn't know what to say.

"Your wife would be angry, knowing what you're doing after your work, sheriff," I said and walked over to him.

I was angry at myself because I gave my body to him again. I leaned my hips against the desk, standing against the FP. He smiled broadly.

"I don't care what my wife thinks," he shrugged, and with his hands pulled the string in my shirt. "Better" he muttered as the shirt slid down on my shoulders.

My stomach wasn't as small as before and I was afraid he might notice something. But he only approached me and leaned his hands on both sides of my body.

"Better?" I asked when my hands went to his jeans belt.

"Much better," he nodded and embraced me at the waist. He kissed me and I put my fingers in his hair.

Oh God.

We broke apart when we heard a knock at the door.

"At this time?" FP murmured as he kissed my neck.

"Who's there?" I asked calmly.

"It's me, Sarah, do you need anything?" I heard the voice of my secretary. I sighed quietly and bit my lip.

"No. Thank you, Sarah. You can go home," I said louder as FP began to suck my neck.

"Good night, Mrs. Smith"

"Good night!"

"We are alone", FP murmured in my ear and kissed me again.

I came back home feeling worse than usual. Nothing happened between me and FP. I dismissed him and told him to leave my office.

I went into the living room and sighed heavily. I would like to drink wine.

"Mom" I heard my daughter's voice. I looked at her.


"You're pale, are you all right?"

"Yes, I'll just go to my ... Bedroom," I whispered and felt weak. I fell to the floor and my daughter ran to me.

"We're going to the hospital," Elizabeth helped me to get up. "Mom" she whispered, and I lost consciousness.

I woke up at the Emergency Room with a drip in my hand. My daughter was sitting next to me.

"Why did I faint?" I asked quietly and looked at Betty.

"The doctor says it's stress." She said, and I sighed heavily.

"Every time I fainted when I was pregnant, they said it was stress." I snorted irritably.

"Mom, please, stop ..." she said in a calming tone.

"It's just hormones" I shrugged and my daughter shook her head.

"There's something else. Jughead knows about your pregnancy, "she whispered, and I opened my eyes wide.

"Why did you tell him, Elizabeth?!" I hissed softly.

"I didn't tell him! A doctor did it"


"Please, don't talk about my mother's health because there is a son of baby's father next to me? Was that I supposed to say?! "

"Yes!" I said irritated.

"Please, calm down." The nurse came to us and we nodded.

"Betty, I want to talk to him" I asked quietly.

"Okey" my daughter left and after a while Jughead entered the room. He sat down next to me and looked at me.

"I won't tell him," he said, and I breathed a sigh of relief. "You have to do it alone, Alice"

"I know, Jughead. I'll do it, but not now. Give me a few more days, "I asked quietly, and he took a deep breath.

"I don't know why you want to hide it?"

"I don't want to destroy your family," I whispered, and a tear ran down my cheek. I saw that Jughead was also moved.

"You won't destroy my family. I still don't know why my father is with my mother. He says it's for our good, but it was better for me when my mother was in Toledo"

"I understand you, Jughead."

"I'm sorry, Alice. Everything is such a mess"

"It's not your fault," I said and hissed. I felt a baby kick, so I touched my stomach.

"Alice, what happened?" Jughead was terrified.

"Baby is moving," I said with a smile, and he blinked his eyes a few times.

"Really? Can I touch it?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Of course, in the end you will be a family," I replied, and he put a gentle hand on my stomach.

Wish you were here, FP.

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