13 "My Child"

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"Wake up, babe" I was awakened by FP's voice. I opened my eyes and smiled at him.

"We fell asleep" I sighed, and he nodded.

"Yes" he answered. "I haven't slept that well since high school" he added, and I blushed.

"FP... There's something I want to tell you," I said and sat on the bed. He looked at me terrified.

"Tell me, Alice" he grabbed my hands.

My heart accelerated when I realized what I wanted to do. I smiled at him gently and looked him in the eye. I wanted him to know that I am expecting his child. I know that it was selfish, but I wanted him to participate in the life of his son or daughter.

Jellybean. Jughead ...
I couldn't do this to them.

Alice, if you tell him, you'll make a big mistake. You will destroy his family! They will hate you.

"Honey, what did you want to say to me?" FP broke me from my thoughts. I sighed quietly.

"I'm glad I'm here," I lied and tears appeared in my eyes. "I have to go" I added and got out of bed.

FP also stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Did something happen, Alice?" he asked, worried.

Yes, something big happened.

"I have to go to my work." I replied and kissed him on the cheek. "Everything's fine," I lied.

Everything was terrible.

"Alice... Something obviously bothers you," he said, and I shook my head.

"No, FP, nothing bothers me" another lie and another blow to my heart. "See you," I waved and left his trailer.

I quickly got in the car and drove away. Although I grew up on Southside, I was scared to stay here. It was a dangerous area and everyone had to defend themselves.

When I was a teenager, I dreamed to break out of Southside. Every night, when I was falling asleep, I was afraid that someone might break into our trailer and do something to us. I always slept with a knife under the pillow.

When I moved to Northside, I felt safe at last. I slept in a warm, comfortable bed with a man who saved me from sleeping in a trailer. For that I was and I am grateful to Hal. Thanks to him, nightmares disappeared and I stopped worrying about my life because I knew he would defend me.


I parked the car near the newsroom and got out of it. I planned to do a quick shopping before work, but as soon as I went to the store, I passed with Gladys, who as usual couldn't resist biting attention.

"What are you doing on this side of the town?" I asked when we stood face to face with each other.

"I came to see your newsroom, it's a pity if someone would destroy this place," she laughed and I rolled my eyes. I went to her and looked at her.

"You think I'm afraid of you? I grew up on the soutshide and I know how to deal with people like you," I said sharply and narrowed my eyes. "You better watch yourself because you don't want the acid story to be repeated again?" I raised my eyebrow and smiled broadly, seeing the terror on her face.

"We are on the war path then?"

"You are. I don't want to waste time and nerves to care about your moods, Gladys." I approached her. "I think you know it now"

"I know," Gladys nodded. "You're very sexy when you're threatening someone. You should do it more often." Gladys's speech completely surprised me.

"I'll think about it" I shrugged and walked into the store.


I went to my newsroom, greeted the employees and then went to my office. I sat on the chair and called Betty.

"Mom, where have you been?" she asked.

"I went to work, Betty," I answered calmly. "Don't worry about me, everything is fine," I added and heard my daughter's sigh.

"Mom, I made an appointment for you, because I know you wouldn't do it yourself"

"What did you do?!" I screamed lody. I was angry because of Betty's behavior.

"That's the best thing in your case." "Right after your work, you're going to the hospital" Betty hung up and I rolled my eyes.

"You know what, little bean?" I started to stroke my stomach. "You will have a really good sister," I added and looked at my stomach.

"Mrs. Smith" I heard a knock on the door.

"Yes, Sarah?" I asked when a young brunette entered my office.

"Do you have something to drink?" she asked the whole stressed.

Do I look like a witch?

"Tea, please," I answered with a smile. Sarah nodded and left quickly from my office.

Am I really that bad?


After work, I drove to the hospital. I went inside and then went to the reception.

"Good morning. I'm Alice Smith. I have a doctor's appointment for my pregnancy." I said with a smile, and the nurse nodded. She looked at the computer, paused for a moment and wrote something on the keyboard.

"Yes, Mrs. Smith. Room 87 on the third floor," she replied. I smiled slightly.

"Thank you" I went to the elevator. I was afraid of visiting the gynecologist. I didn't want to go there.

I didn't have time to sit in the waiting room, because the door to the office opened.

"Mrs. Smith, please," the doctor said, and I went into the office. "I'm Linda Mendes"

"Good morning," I answered with a smile.

"Please, sit down," She pointed to the chair. I did what she asked me for. "Are you alone today? And the father of a child?" she asked, and I refrained from rolling my eyes.

"He's working," I replied. "Doctor, I have nausea, big headache. Today I did a pregnancy test and it was positive. I know the test may show a false result, but my body has become different. My belly is more visible. and I feel my feet swell overnight. "

"I understand, it's typical pregnancy symptoms, Mrs. Smith. Why don't you lie on the couch and we make an ultrasound?"

"Of course," I nodded and stood up.

I went to a designated place and lay down comfortably. The doctor sat next to me and pressed a cold gel onto my stomach. I have never liked this feeling.

"Please, don't worry," she replied and looked at the screen when she started the examination. "It's amazing you are in the third month of pregnancy and you haven't noticed anything before? No symptoms?"

"No, doctor. Is that wrong?"

"No, it's just a bit disturbing, but the child has the right size, you can hear the heartbeat so the baby is healthy." the doctor smiled at me. I felt tears in my eyes, seeing the small beans on the screen.

"My child" I whispered with a smile. I felt something wake up in my heart again.

I was only sad that FP couldn't be with me at this moment. I'm sure he would be happy.

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