25 "Hellraising"

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I came home and immediately went inside. I took a deep breath and leaned against the front door. I had to cool down. FP hurt me again. I wiped tears from my eyes and went into the living room. It was strange for me that there was no Betty or Charles in it. I had a bad feeling.

"Betty!" I called, but only the silence answered me. My hands began to shake with stress. "Betty, where are you?"

"Don't be afraid, sweetheart" I heard a familiar voice coming from the kitchen. I jumped up and turned to my interlocutor. "Betty went out for a walk" Hiram Lodge came out from the shadows and I rolled my eyes.

"How did you come to my house?" I asked, and he laughed softly. He came closer to me.

"The door was open," he replied and shrugged.

"You're lying" I hissed and stepped away from him for a few steps.

"I'm not lying" he muttered and came to me. "Why are you running away from me? Are you afraid of me?"

"Are you really that stupid or are you just pretending to be so?" I asked loudly and looked into his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk," he said and ran a finger over my cheek. I shuddered at his gesture.

"Take your dirty paws away from me," I growled, and he laughed.

"You're afraid of me," he said. "I heard that you wanted to break into my office with Gladys?"

"You have a vivid imagination, why should I break into your home?"

"To steal some documents and the money I owe Gladys," he murmured.

"Are you on high?"

"My wife finally decided to be honest with me and she told me everything, now not only I have blood in my hands. You, Gladys and Hermione are also involved, so we should work together, don't you think?"

You bastard.

"What do you want?"

"A person close to you has something that belongs to me. I need to get it back," he replied, and I shook my head. I didn't think Hiram would ever ask me for something like that.

"I haven't had contact with her for a couple of years. Should I call her and tell her to come and give the necklace to her ex-guy?" I waved and he laughed loudly.

"Do it as you like, Alice. I want to have this necklace as soon as possible ..." Hiram touched my face. "Otherwise I'd watch my back if I were you," he whispered and left my house.

When I was alone, I took a deep breath and sat down in my chair. I put my face in my hands and decided to think about what to do next.

Should I allow Hiram Lodge to threatened me or should I call my sister and ask her to come home? It will be difficult. I haven't been in contact with her for over ten years.

I took a deep breath and pulled the phone out of my jeans pocket. I was hoping she didn't change her phone number. I chose her number and put the phone to my ear. I didn't even know what to tell her when she picked up!

"I don't believe it," I heard her melodic voice and rolled my eyes. "Well, the prodigal son returns!"

"Oh, shut up," I hissed. "I need you to come to Riverdale, otherwise Hiram Lodge stabs me," I said, and she laughed.

"I turned him down about seventeen years ago, and he still can't forget about me? I think I gave him some charm"

"I'm afraid your charm didn't work. He's still a broken bastard and he wants to get your necklace"

"You're kidding!" I heard the fury in her voice and smiled slightly "I will not get it!"

"That's why I want you to come back to Riverdale," I replied and swallowed. How will I explain Betty that I have a twin sister?

"I'll be back!"

"Wait, but seriously?"

"Yes, it will be fun! I have a mood for hellraising"

"No, I do not let you do it!"

"You are not my mother, Alice!"

"No, but I'm two minutes older than you"

"Wait for me with breakfast tomorrow morning. You know what I like the most," she said, and I rolled my eyes. Of course I will also have my sister to support! Great!

"I hate you, Wendy"

Yes, my sister's name is Wendy. Wendy Beauchamp. She runs a Voodoo shop in New Orleans. She left when we argued about ... that she wanted to break up a marriage of a certain person. Since then, we have not kept in touch until now. Wendy and I are identical, the only thing that makes us different is hair. Wendy always had black hair and I was blonde. We always joked that we were creating the ying and yang symbol.

Wendy has always been interested in paranormal phenomena, charms and herbalism. That's why she bought a deck of tarot cards for her first earned money. I never liked the fact that at night she learned everything about this cards. Once she wanted to me about my futurr but I didn't agree. I didn't share her passion for such things, but I didn't criticize her because I also had my quirks.

"I love you too, Al" She said and hang up.

Oh crap...

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