12 "I won't destroy your family."

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I woke up in the morning with nausea. I drank too much yesterday and now I feel the effects of alcohol poisoning.

I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom to vomit. I felt terrible today and I was going to stay in bed all day.

After all, I took a long shower and dressed in a long dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed heavily.

"I gained weight," I murmured and looked at my stomach. It was more visible than usual. I shook my head and went down to the dining room.

In the kitchen, I found my daughter making scrambled eggs. I smiled at the sight.

"Good morning, mom," she said with a smile.

"Good morning, Betty" I replied. My daughter looked at me and frowned. "What?" I asked.

"I don't want to be mean, but don't you think that this dress is too small for you?"

"I know," I sighed heavily. "I have to go on a diet again," I shrugged, and my daughter shook her head.

"Have you noticed that only your stomach has become bigger?" Hearing these words, I bit my lip.

No. I didn't take it for granted.

"Don't be stupid Betty," I snorted.

"I'm serious." She answered and gave me the scrambled eggs. "Enjoy your meal"

"Thank you, Betty," I replied and began to eat breakfast. "Scrambled eggs smell different today. Did you add any new spice?" I asked.

"No. I didn't add any spice, Mom"

"No, I can't eat it," I said and pushed the plate away from me. "I'm sick, after yesterday's drinking," I added and got up from the table.

"I don't think so," Betty shook her head. "Mom, don't be angry, but I have a pregnancy test with me ..."

I jumped.

"Don't tell me you are pregnant!" I shouted, terrified, and she shook her head.

"No, mom, I bought it just in case"

"Thank God," I breathed.

"It's a new test, so you'll use it," Betty murmured, and I shook my head.

"You're kidding ..." I said and got up from the table. I was dizzy. "You're not kidding," I added, and I grabbed my stomach.

"Go to the toilet and I will bring a test," my daughter said, and I sighed. I did what she told me.


Wait fifteen minutes. That was written on the packaging.

5 minutes ... One line

8 minutes... still one line .

Maybe I'm not pregnant?

12 minutes later another line appeared.

15 minutes - damn it, I'm pregnant.

"Damn it. Damn it!" I shouted and hit my hand against the wall. "At this moment?" I moaned frustrated.

"Mom?" I heard Betty's voice from behind the door.

"I'm pregnant, Elizabeth!" I shouted and wiped tears from my eyes. "I'm pregnant with a guy who has a wife and children, and one of those children is also your boyfriend. Can it be better?"

"Calm down, mom"

No. I will not calm down. I need to go somewhere. I know where.

"Betty, I have to do something," I said and left the bathroom.

"Mom, where are you going?" my daughter ran after me.

"I will be back soon" I put on my coat and left the house. I got in the car and drove southside.

I parked in front of the FP's trailer. I don't know what led me to come to him, but I had to do it.

I went into his trailer silently, praying in my mind that there would be no one in it except FP.

My prayers have been heard.

I heard his quiet breath coming from the bedroom and I smiled. He slept on the bed, all alone, covered only with  a blanket.

I took off my coat and shoes and lay down next to him. I didn't plan to tell him about my pregnancy, I wanted to spend some time with him.

I embraced him in his waist and he opened his eyes and smiled.

"Am I dreaming?" he asked, and I nodded.

"No" I replied and nestled in him. "I came to you"


"I don't know," I whispered and looked into his eyes. "I felt that my place is here - with you"

"I love you.'

"I love you, too"

This confession of love was quiet and peaceful, in contrast to our crazy hearts. Our faces drew closer to each other, and breathing became heavier.

We kissed each other. We kissed calmly, not rushing. We felt wonderful together, but I knew that this moment can't last forever.

"Where's Gladys?" I asked, and he laughed.

"Do you think about her at this moment?"

"Have you forgotten that your wife wants to kill me?"

"I will not let her do it." The FP touched me more tightly at the waist and pulled me closer. "I will not let anyone hurt you," he said, and I closed my eyes.

I felt safe in his arms.

I'm pregnant, FP. But you have your family so I won't tell you about our baby. I won't destroy your family.

When our child is born, I will be happy, because I will finally have a part of you forever.

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