35 "Maybe Someday"

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"What are we doing at the scrap yard?" I asked when we got out of the car.

"We're going to get your son," Gladys replied. I looked at her.

"My son is at the scrap yard? Really, Gladys?" I snarled and she slapped my arm in my arm.

"Shut up, they'll hear us" she hissed and began to sneak into the wooden door.

"Who can hear us?" I asked and she looked up.

"Hiram's people," she replied. "Do you have a gun?"

"We won't shoot at them"

"If you want to get this brat back, you must be prepared for everything," she growled. "I will go there and say that Hiram wants a child back."

"Do you think it will work?"

"Yes, these brawls are so dumb. They think that Kim Kardashian didn't have any plastic surgery."

"I want to get my son back," I replied, and she nodded.

"I'm going in," she murmured and went inside.

I waited outside, impatient. I was afraid that Gladys could have been hurt, and I was even more worried about Charles. After a few minutes, which lasted like an eternity, Gladys left the cottage with Charles in her arms. I was so happy to see my child.

We ran to the car and quickly got in. Gladys behind the wheel, I'm in the passenger seat. I took Charles, who was crying. I hugged him to my chest, and tears began to run down my cheeks.

"Daddy is with you," I whispered. "You're safe now"

Charles, hearing my voice, calmed down. He started babbling, grabbing my thumb in his tiny hand.

"When I gave birth to you children, you were never so happy", I heard Gladys's voice and looked at her.

"Of course I was happy," I answered honestly.

"Not at all. You didn't have that joy in your eyes." Gladys smiled sadly at me. "Because I wasn't the woman you wanted a child with," she added. Her resigned tone of voice made me feel bad. I didn't want her to take it that way.

"Gladys ..."

"Never mind, I'll never be good enough for you." As soon as we get home, I'll sign the divorce papers and try to fight for Wendy. "Gladys rode up the driveway at Alice's house.

"What are you doing here?" Alice left the house and I sighed heavily.

~ ° ~
~ ° ~

"Charles," I whispered as I looked at the child FP had on his hands. I ran to them and took my son in my arms. Nothing could describe my joy. "Charles, oh my God," I whispered and hugged my son to my heart. "How?" Where? " I looked at FP and Gladys.

Gladys took a deep breath.

"I was involved in this, I helped kidnap your son, and that's only because Hiram threatened me"

I couldn't believe that. Gladys Jones kidnapped my son. Anger gathered in me.

"Why did you do this to me?" I asked with tears in my eyes. I was hurt. "You hate me so much that you had to take my child away from me for many days?" FP tried to touch me, but I moved away from him.

"Hiram threatened to kill my children, what would you do in my place ?!"

"I would report it to the police and suffer all the consequences," I replied coldly, hugging Charles tightly. "FP is yours, take him Gladys." I added. "I know you only care about him"

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