10 "You forgot about me"

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"Why do I have to meet you in such a large store?" I asked and shook my head. I didn't want to see him.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I left my phone on the table and apparently Gladys had to see our messages, I know it sounds hopeless.

"You're a liar. " I said.

"I'm not lying, Alice" FP grabbed my hand. "I want to meet you, please"

"But I don't want to meet you," I said and withdrew my hand.

"I know you want"

"Do you know what your wife told me? That she would cut my face when I approached you, so for the sake of my beautiful face, leave me alone."

"I don't believe that Gladys could have said anything like that to you." FP shook his head and looked at me sadly.

"I don't care if you believe it or not." I crossed my arms. "I wasted few months to renewing our relationship , FP. And now Gladys is back and you live with her like an old, good marriage ..." I sighed quietly and closed my eyes for a moment to stop the tears. "You forgot about me" I added and opened my eyes. My voice was trembling, as my body was.

"It's a difficult situation, Gladys gave birth to my children! I can't leave her." he said, and I felt a blow in my heart.

"I gave birth to your child too, but he is dead so you don't have to be with me, right?" I asked and clenched my fists. I was angry at him. I was angry at myself.

"If I knew about your pregnancy earlier, I would be with you!"

"Do not dwell," I said and wiped tears from my eyes. "Nothing connects us now, so there is no problem in have a sex once for a few weeks, right?" I asked, clenching my teeth.

I was dizzy. I lost my balance for a moment and leaned against one of the shelves with lollipops. When the dizziness subsided, I felt weak.

"Alice, what's going on?" FP came up to me, but I shook my head.

"Nothing" I replied, feeling a slight pressure in my stomach.

Easy, Alice. Breathe. There is no reason to panic.

"Al ..."

"Do not call me like that!" when I felt better, I looked at him. "I don't want to see you anymore, Forsythe," I added and turned on my heel.

I went quickly to the cash register so that FP wouldn't be able to catch up with me.


When I returned home, I put my shopping on the kitchen table and went to the window. I looked at Anthony's house and decided that I should go to him and talk.

I left the house and ran across the street. When I stood in front of his door, I knocked and took a deep breath.

He opened after a few seconds.


"Hi, Anthony, I ... I'd like to ask you if you want to accompany me to my friend's wedding? I know it's a stupid question after last night, but ... But I'd like to go with you. I'll understand if you refuse."

"No. I will be happy to go with you." he answered and I opened my eyes.


"Yes, Alice." He smiled and I blushed.

"Thank you," I said. "And I'm sorry that I left without saying goodbye in the morning," I added shyly.

"Nothing has happened. I hope that the next time you will stay for breakfast" Anthony approached me with a wide smile and I chuckled. My legs buckled under me, and the butterflies in my stomach exploded.

"I'll think about it," I blinked at him. "I have to go. I promise Betty a girls night out with pizza"I added, and he nodded.

"Have fun" he said and touched my cheek with his hand.

"See you later" I kissed him on the cheek and went to my house.


The opening of my editorial office was approaching fast. Everything was almost ready; invitations sent out, and the place for the party was chosen. (Veronica told me she could organize a party at her bar, so I agreed.)

When the day of opening finally came, I was a bundle of nerves.

"Mrs. Smith, do you want something to drink?" Reggie asked, and I nodded.

"Whiskey" I said with a smile and sat at the bar.

"Alice, you look beautiful," Anthony appeared next to me, and I immediately felt better.

"Thank you" I whispered.

I dressed today a long red dress with a cleavage and a slit on the thigh.

"Something for you?" Reggie asked when he gave me the whiskey. Anthony shook his head.

"No, thank you," he answered and sat down beside me. "Hey, don't get stressed," he said to me and grabbed my hand.

"It's easy for you to say. I think I have neurosis," I drank whiskey and stood up. I went to the entrance to greet the first guests; my daughter and her boyfriend.

"Wow, mom, wonderful dress," Betty said, and I smiled.

"Thank you, Betty," I replied.

For the next hour I greeted all the invited guests. At the end FP  appeared along with Gladys.

I took a deep breath, because the view of this bitch touching FP was hard for me. Fortunately, Anthony appeared next to me.

"Alice!" Gladys came up to me and hugged me. "Congratulations!" she smiled.

How I hate you.

"Thank you, Gladys," I replied with an artificial smile. "That's Anthony, my ..."

"Anthony Price. Alice's neighbor and a new man in her life" Anthony's eyes went to FP, who gritted his teeth.

"Nice to meet you. Gladys Jones. FP's wife" Gladys greeted Anthony.

"Take your seat. We're just starting." I said. "Honey, will you come with me?" I looked at Anthony.

"Yes, of course" Anthony kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand.

When I passed FP, I felt his hand on my wrist. The touch was short, but I knew what it meant and I was terribly scared of it.

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