16 "Let's raise our glasses to two perfect catches"

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"I can't cover my stomach anymore," I whispered desperate when I was trying on a dress for Sierra and Tom wedding.

"Mom" Betty came up to me and put her hands on my shoulders. "It's about time to come out," she added, and I took a deep breath.

"I can't do it now. I know that you, Jughead are pushing me to do it, but I have to wait."

"Don't you want to ask Anthony for help?"

" How? Should I ask him to pretend to be my child's father?" I laughed miserably. "It doesn't make sense ..." I sighed.

"There will be a lot of alcohol at the wedding. People will realize that you don't drink"

"I'll think of something," I murmured and looked at myself in the mirror. "I will be bigger than my wordrobe soon," I added, and my daughter laughed.

"You will be a lovely, big wordrobe, mom"

"It doesn't comfort me, Elizabeth." I laughed and hugged my daughter.

"Maybe a large bowl of ice cream will comfort you?"

"Definitely, Betty. You know me very well" I grabed her hand and went to the kitchen.


I went shopping to the supermarket. I wanted to make a peach pie today, but I had no ingredients.

Unfortunately I met Gladys in the fruit aisle. I wanted to turn back but she smiled at me. I wanted to turn her back so she wouldn't be able to see me, but it was too late. She noticed me and smiled at me. I wanted to tear off that smile from her face.

"Alice" Gladys waved to me and I rolled my eyes. I took the avocado in my hand. I dug nails into it, imagining it was Gladys's head.

"Gladys," I muttered not very enthusiastically.

"You look different ..."

No shit, Sherlock.

"Don't be afraid to use the word fat," I said and looked at her coldly. I put the avocado in the basket and started to look at the good avocados.

"I didn't mean it." Gladys shrugged. "You look like you're pregnant."

Fantastic! Suddenly the whole southside will know about it!
Take a deep breath, Alice.

"I decided to go on a diet" I showed her avocado.

"You won't hide the pregnant belly"

"You're stubborn," I rolled my eyes and picked up a pair of peaches.

"I hope that FP isn't the father of this bastard " Gladys came up to me and grabbed my arm. I looked at her.

You would be surprised at my crazy threshold, Gladys...

"Hope dies last" I smiled at her and went back to looking for ingredients.

I was very nervous inside my body ... I lied to Gladys and it made me sick. If FP finds out about pregnancy, it will be bad ... Very bad.


Sierra and Tom finally got married. After a short ceremony in the town hall, we went to SpeakEasy to celebrate.

I sat at a table with Anthony and took a deep breath. After a while, Fred, Mary, Hermione, Hiram and FP with Gladys sat down next to us.

What a great company.

"After all these years, they can finally be together," said Hiram.

"Yes" I replied and stole a glance at FP. "At least they will be happy," I added and looked back at Sierra and Tom.

"I would like to make a toast for my dad ..." Kevin said loudly.

"And my mom," Josie added quickly, and everyone laughed. "We wish you all the best on the new way of life"

I felt tears in my eyes, it was cute when the children supported their parents so much.

After a moment, I grabbed my stomach; the child moved again. Why did it choose such a moment?

"Honey, are you all right?" Anthony asked.

"Yes ... Yes" I nodded.

"Alice, what's going on? Your stomach hurts?" Gladys asked, and I clenched my hands into fists.

"It's emotions, Gladys," I lied smoothly.

"Oh, let's make a toast!" Hermione said and grabbed a glass of champagne.

"So let's raise our glasses to two perfect catches!" Kevin and Josie said.

All people drink champagne and I only put a glass to my lips. I had to show that everything was okay.

"Alice in your state you shouldn't drink alcohol"

You bitch!

I rolled my eyes.

"Are you pregnant, Alice?" Fred asked me, and I shrugged.

"Are you serious?" FP asked, and I looked him in his eyes. I wanted him to know that he is the father.


"Gladys, you can't keep secrets" Anthony grabbed my hand. "Alice is pregnant and we are very happy about that, right, darling?" He kissed my hand and looked at me.

I knew he was doing it all to take her down a peg. I was grateful to him for that.

"Yes" I nodded and smiled. "We wanted to announce it a bit later..."

"We wanted to announce it at our engagement party"

When I heard this, I choked and FP opened his eyes wide.

"Are you getting married?" Hermione asked with a smile, and I laughed nervously.

"For now, we aren't in a hurry ..." I replied evasively.

"But we have it in our plans," added Anthony.

"Please clear the dance floor for the bride and groom's first dance. " Kevin said, and I breathed a sigh of relief. No more awkward questions for a few minutes.

"Let's look at them" Anthony grabbed my hand and walked to the dance floor. FP and Gladys stood beside us.

When Sierra and Tom started dancing their first dance to the song "When I fall in love" FP touched my hand. I looked at him and he smiled.

"Can we talk after that?" he whispered in my ear and I nodded. I squeezed his hand tightly and smiled.

"We need to talk," I whispered, and he kissed me softly on the cheek.

The paradox was that I and FP were holding hands, and our partners were standing next to us and they didn't pay any attention to us.

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