27 "Well, you reap what you sow"

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I came back home tired after work and the only thing I dreamed about was my bed. I went straight to my bedroom, turned on the light and saw Gladys in front of my eyes.

She was sitting on the bed in a black lace nightgown. She was smiling at me.

Why can't this woman leave me alone?

"You get a cold," I said and pulled off my jacket, then unbuttoned my shirt.

Gladys leaned closer to the end of the bed and knelt in front of me. She pulled my hands away from my shirt and began to unbutton it herself. I sighed heavily.

"Gladys, stop it," I said gently and grabbed her wrists.

"Why? You are my husband. And husband and wife have some marital duties," she murmured and snatched her hands from my grasp.

"What are the duties?" I asked and raised my eyebrow.

"You know ..." Her hands went to the belt of my jeans.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Sex is one of marital duties" when she unfastened my belt, I pushed her away from me.

"I don't want to. I'm tired," I said coldly.

"If Northside bitch were here instead of me, you would have fucked her right away." Gladys shouted and came up to me. She tried to hit me, I grabbed her hand.

"Do not talk like that about her," I growled and looked into her eyes. "And do not you dare raise your hand at me!" I shouted.

"What should I do, FP? What should I do to make you love me again?" she asked pleadingly.

"You can do nothing," I moved away from her.

"Why? Why are you treating me like that?" she whispered, and tears appeared in her eyes.

"I want a divorce, Gladys. Tomorrow in the morning, I'll go to court ..." I walked towards the living room.

"Where are you going?"

"Where I won't have any marital duties," I zipped up my shirt and put on my jacket.

"You can't leave!" Gladys shouted and came to me. She held something in her hand. "You can't leave me" she showed me the sonogram.

"What is this?" I asked and took the sonogram in my hand.

"It's your child. I'm pregnant!" she said, and I shook my head.

"You know it's impossible!"

"It's possible, once, you got drunk and it happened"

"It is impossible!"

"Whether you like it or not, I'm pregnant with you, and you can't leave me now because I will never let you see your baby!"

This women was a pure devil.


When everyone in the trailer fell asleep, I dressed my jacket and left. I got on my motor and drove to Northside to talk to Fred. I needed advice because I found myself in a very bad place.

I parked my motor on the driveway and ran to the door. I knocked twice.

In the meantime, I glanced at Alice's house. I noticed that the light in her bedroom was still truned on, so she probably didn't sleep. I would like to be with her so much.

Fred opened the door, surprised.

"You come to me at this late hour. What happened?" he asked, and I sighed. I pulled out cigarettes from my jacket pocket and lit one. "Okay, it looks serious." Fred took one cigarette from me and lit it.

"Gladys told me she was pregnant," I replied, and Fred coughed.

"What? When? You really can't keep your pants buttoned, do you?"

"You don't help me, mate"

"Is this your child?"

"I don't know," I sighed.

"How do you know that? Do you lost your mind? "

"No, Fred! Since Gladys returned to Riverdale, I didn't sleep with her, but one day I was drunk ... And she took me home and then I woke up in bed in the morning and she lay next to me," I said, and Fred rolled his eyes .

"You were to end up with alcohol ..."

"I know, Fred, it was one time!"

"One time too much, mate. You have to think with your head, not with this what you have between your legs." Fred shouted. "Be careful because later it turns out that half the women in Riverdale will come to you and tell you that she is pregnant with you!" I've never seen Fred so upset in my life.

"What is going on here?" I heard Alice's voice.
Oh, no ...

"Hello, Alice!" said Fred.

"Well, hello" She answered and wrapped herself in her bathrobe. "People want to sleep, so you should talk a little bit quiet"

"Alice..." I said.

"FP," she nodded.

"Fred and I have some things to explain," I replied, and Fred laughed softly. I looked at him pleadingly.

"I think FP want to tell you something, Alice." Fred threw a cigarette on the grass, and crushed it with his shoe. "Well, you reap what you sow, mate" Fred patted me on the shoulder and went into the house.

"Well, so what do you want to tell me, FP?" Alice crossed her arms.

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