23 "It was all about love"

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"Where is FP?" I asked when we got to the hospital.

"Don't bother him," Anthony muttered, and he took my hand tightly so that I wouldn't fall. "Surely he will arrive in time"

"I hope so" I squeezed through my teeth. "Shit, the pain is unbearable," I said and leaned against the wall. After a moment a nurse came running to us.

"What's happening?" she asked.

"I'm in labor" I replied, breathing quickly.

"Please, put her in a wheelchair." nurse said. "We have a lady here in labor," she added, and as soon as I sat on the cart, she drove me to the delivery room.

"Where's FP?" I asked when I was sitting on the bed. "I want him"

"Who is FP?" the doctor asked.

"A father of a child and my husband"

What a white lie...

"Okay. Breathe. Someone will go after him," she said reassuringly and wiped the sweat from my forehead with a handkerchief.

"I'll wait," I nodded, and after a while FP and Anthony entered the room.

"I am the father of this child, not you!" shouted FP and looked at Anthony.

"But I was looking after Alice when you tried to save a marriage with Gladys!"

"Are you jealous that Alice chose me instead of you?!" FP was angry.

"I know you will hurt her anyway!"

"Shut up!" I shouted loudly when I felt the first strong kick. "FP" I whispered, and he ran up to me and kissed my hand.

"Can we start?" the doctor asked. "Mr. Anthony leave the room, please" she added. Resigned Anthony left, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad you're here," I whispered and stroked FP on the cheek.

"I love you" he kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you too"


"He is beautiful." FP whispered and looked at our son.

After everything, the nurse wrapped my son in a blanket and put him on my chest. I gently stroked his cheek and kissed him on the forehead. I embraced him as gently as I could.

"Hello, baby" I whispered, and tears ran down my cheeks.

"Look, it's your daddy" FP touched our son and smiled broadly.

"He looks like ... He looks like Charles," I whispered quietly. "He's so similar to him."

"Maybe we'll call him Charles?" FP looked at me.

"Charles Pendleton Jones" I murmured with a smile. "Maybe Forsythe Charles Pendleton Jones the fourth?"

"No. I don't want to hurt my baby with this. Charles Pendleton Jones is perfect"

"As you wish, honey" I said with a smile. "As you wish"


It's been a few weeks since my labor. Charles was shooting up properly, and I was slowly gaining strength. I took care of my son every day. Betty and Jughead often help me so that I could rest for a moment or go with FP for a walk. Speaking of FP, he spent every free moment with me, but he also had to work and spend time with Jellybean.

Gladys and FP's divorce was prolonged. I didn't know why. It's been three months since FP filed for divorce.

"Mom, do you want to have a free evening tonight?" Betty came into my bedroom. I smiled weakly at her.

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