24 "I want to hate you as much as I love you"

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I wasn't stupid. I knew something was wrong. FP didn't say anything about the progress of divorce. We argued more and more often, and our relationship ... Well, how could I call our relationship?

"What about the divorce?" I asked when FP visited me one day at home.

He visited me often, mainly to spend time with Charles. He couldn't take him to his trailer, because southside was quite a specific and dangerous place for newborns. That's why we decided that he would be able to visit me when he would like to and spend time with his son.

"Divorce is getting closer," he answered evasively, and took Charles in his hands. He began to play with him.

"Forsythe, tell me the truth," I said harshly, and he rolled his eyes. I felt that he was hiding something.

"I'm waiting for the court's decision," he finally said.

"So long?"

"Yes, Alice!" he shouted, causing Charles to cry. I looked scowling at FP.

"Calm down," I hissed and looked at my son. My heart was hurt.

"I'm sorry," FP whispered and started kissing Charles on the face and rubbing his back. Our son, however, didn't calm down.

"Look, what you did!," I said reproachfully and went to FP. I took Charles and hugged him tightly.

"You are oversensitive! You take the child away from me right away!" he growled and came to me.

"Because I see how our son is afraid of you," I hissed and hugged Charles to the chest.

"Don't make me a monster," he growled and clenched his fist.

"I'm not a witch to make you a monster," I said and took a deep breath. "Do not even try to raise your hand on me!" I added and pointed to his clenched fist.

"I'm not like my father, I would never hit you"

I looked at him and sighed. When Charles calmed down, I handed him back to FP, and then I went to the kitchen. I took a deep breath and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"You didn't file a petition for divorce, did you?" I asked after a moment and looked straight ahead at the wall.

"Of course I did it" FP appeared next to me and touched my arm.

"if I find out you're lying... It will be over, Forsythe," I said, and tears appeared in my eyes. I wasn't going to be cheated.

"Honey" FP hugged me tightly. "It's not a lie, I wouldn't lie to you," he added and kissed my forehead. I felt his words were insincere.


When FP went home, I decided to go shopping. I asked Betty to take care of Charles for an hour. I was happy that my daughter spent time with her brother so eagerly.

I parked in the parking lot and got out of the car. I adjusted my coat and went to the store. At fruit ailse, I noticed Sierra McCoy ... now Sierra Keller. I decided to talk to her and inquire about the progress of divorce Gladys and FP.

"Sierra, hi!" I said and went to her. She greeted me with a smile.

"Hi, Alice, you look wonderful." We hugged each other in greeting.

"Thank you" I smiled. "You're probably busy right now ... I heard that many people have filed for divorce in Riverdale."

A little lie wasn't bad. I decided to use my journalistic sense and come up with something. I had to find out the truth about this damn divorce.

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