30 "You're with him to piss off my sister, don't deny it,"

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I knocked gently on the door of the sheriff's office. I was dressed in black lace underwear and a creamy coat. My heart was beating hard when I heard his voice.

I opened the door and slowly entered his office with a smile. He looked at me surprised.

"Alice?" he asked and got up from the desk. He loosened his tie.

"Sheriff, you have to arrest me," I said and drove the tip of my tongue over my lower lip.

"What did you do?" he asked with a slight smile and pulled something out of the cabinet. I heard the sound of metal and bit my lip. After a moment I saw handcuffs.

"Something terrible" I locked the door to his office and came closer to him. "You should punish me" I shrugged and unbuttoned my coat slowly.

FP came to me and looked into my eyes. He grabbed my hair in his fist and with the other hand he wrapped my hip. I sighed quietly to his lips.

"What did you do?" he clenched his hand more tightly on my hair.

"I aroused jealousy in my man"


"That he could understand what he lost."

"Do you think he understood what he lost?"

"I think not"

"You're wrong" FP pushed me hard against the wall and clung to me with his body. He kissed me, in the meantime pulling off my coat. I put my fingers in his hair and pulled them hard. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him.

Our tongues ​​began to fight for dominance, but I knew that I had no chance to win. When I was in the same underwear, FP moved his lips to my neck. He was driving me crazy. 

I felt his tongue on my skin. I felt his teeth, I knew he was leaving marks, but it didn't bother me. I wanted to make love with him.

I started to unbutton his shirt, but I wasn't too patient, so I tore it apart. I heard the buttons falling on the floor and I laughed softly. My laughter stuck in my throat when his hand slipped under my lace panties.

"Fuck me" I whispered in his ear, kissing him.

"I will" he answered and grabbed my thighs. He went with me towards the desk. He put me on the floor for a moment to drop all objects from the desk and put me back on it. I widened my legs and unbuttoned his trousers.

"We'll talk later," I whispered as our bodies merged.

"Later" he murmured and kissed me.


After all, we lay cuddled together on the couch.

"It was wonderful," whispered FP into my ear, and I chuckled.

"I know," I murmured and kissed him on the cheek.

"I know what you came for" FP sat down on the couch, and I looked at him surprised.

"For what?" I asked, and my heart started beating loudly.

FP got up without a word and went to his desk. I bit my lip when I saw his wonderful body. I was charmed.

"Forsythe," I said, and he smiled slightly at me. He sat next to me with some document in his hand.

"Look" he pointed at the right corner on the page. "This is my signature"


"And here's Gladys's signature soon," he whispered, and I looked him in the eye.

Did he really do it? Did he really file a divorce petition? I wanted to shout with joy, but my voice stuck in my throat. It really happened.

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