14 "That's what mothers do for their children, right?"

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After visiting a doctor, I decided to go to Pop's to buy something to eat for supper. But as soon as I walked to the door, I noticed Gladys hugging FP. His smile hurt me the most. He was happy that he was with her.

And I was for him ... well, who was I for him? Nobody.

I got in the car and drove away with a screech of tires. I didn't care if FP heard it or not. I felt that I must finally free myself from him. I can't make the same mistakes every now and then.

With all my strength, I refrained from crying. I didn't want to because of any man. When I arrived on my drive, I got out of the car and went to Anthony's house. I wanted to tell him everything.

When I knocked on the door, his son opened for me. He was a little confused when I saw him, but he smiled quickly.

"Good morning, Mrs. Smith," he answered. "Dad's in his office, you can come in," he added, and I nodded.

"Thank you" I smiled weakly. I took a deep breath and went towards Anthony's office.

"I can come in," I asked as I opened the office door. "I'm sorry that without asking ..." I looked at him and closed my mouth. He sat at the desk, completely depressed. My heart squeezed at the sight. I approached him and hugged him tightly.

"What happened?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Exactly one year ago, my wife died," he replied. It broke my heart. Tears flowed down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, and he looked into my eyes.

"I don't want my son to see me like this" he replied, and I nodded.

"I won't tell him anything," I smiled slightly at him.

"What are you doing here, Alice?" he asked and pointed to the couch. We sat there and looked at each other.

"I promised to tell you something and I decided that today is a good time" I took a deep breath. "FP is a man I love for over twenty-five years. He's a man with whom I got pregnant at the age of sixteen, unfortunately our child died, but it's a story for another day." I felt tears on my cheeks. "FP is married to Gladys and I was married to Hal - my ex-husband who turned out to be a serial killer who wanted to murder half of the town, "I laughed miserably. "Although I really want to forget about FP but I can't do it. When his wife left Riverdale, our relationship deepened and we got into romance. Today I found out that I am pregnant with him and it's the worst thing that could happen "I cried and Anthony hugged me.

"Alice, calm down. Pregnancy isn't the end of the world," he said, and I shook my head.

"I can't tell him, Anthony. I'll destroy his family and I wouldn't forgive myself," I whispered and wiped tears from my eyes.

"You make a mistake, Alice, he has the right to know"

"Maybe I'm making a mistake, but I want my child's happiness."

"Do you sacrifice your happiness to make your child happy?"

"This is what mothers do for their children, right?"

"I don't want to see you suffer." Anthony grabbed my hand. "Perhaps you don't have a deep affection for me, Alice. I know you don't love me, but I want you to know that you can always count on me. We don't have to be a couple, we can be close friends who will support each other"

"Anthony, I can't promise you anything. I don't want to give you any hope. I want you to be my good friend." I whispered with a smile and hugged him.

Two weeks have passed. FP didn't speak to me once, and I was forgetting him more and more every day.

My stomach became more visible and I knew that soon I wouldn't be able to hide it.

My newspaper was very successful and Riverdale residents read it.

While the whole town was talking about Sierra McCoy and Tom Keller's wedding, I was worried about a dress that would cover my stomach. That's why I went shopping with Anthony.

"The price doesn't matter. I just have to cover my stomach," I said, and Anthony sighed. We went to one of the stores with dresses.

"Alice, how long are you going to hide it?" he asked, and I shrugged.

"Right after Tom and Sierra's wedding I will go to Greendale to my parents" I replied quietly.

"If you don't say him about his baby I will do it"

"You will not!" I approached him and looked him in the eye. "You promised"

"Alice, you have to be smart. Tell him," he added, and I rolled my eyes. I did not want FP to know that.

"I will say, but not now," I lied to let Anthony give me peace. "What do you think of this dress?" I asked and showed him a black, long dress with a slit on the thigh.

"I think it will cover your stomach and you will look sexy in it" he replied and I smiled.

"That's the answer I want" I blinked at him and pulled him toward the dressing room.


FP became the sheriff. This news shook Riverdale, just as shocked me. As a journalist, I had an obligation to interview him.

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair. I grabbed the phone and called FP. He answered after a few seconds.

"Alice?" he asked, and in his voice I heard surprise.

"Hi, FP. I would like to ask if you would like to give an interview for The Smith Register about your new job?" I said the most indifferent voice that I could afford.

"With pleasure." he said. "Why didn't you call?"

I paused for a moment.

"Why didn't you call?"

His question made me angry.

"I didn't know if you wanted to see me," he replied, slightly embarrassed.

In front of my eyes I saw a scene from Pop's when Gladys and FP were hugging each other.

"I invite you to my newsroon today at 6 pm. Goodbye, Mr. Jones," I hung up.

It was difficult for me. Very difficult.

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