31 "Don't touch me,"

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I've never slept so well in my life.

I was awakened by the opening of the door to my bedroom. I opened my eyes and looked at ... my sister.

"You came back late" I murmured and rubbed my eyes with my hands.

"We talked for a long time," Wendy corrected her hair.

"Certainly," I murmured and sat on the bed.

"Alice, it's gonna be all right." Wendy sat down next to me and grabbed my hands. "Gladys agreed to talk to FP. She will tell him everything, she will sign divorce paper. You will be with FP and I will be with Gladys soon"

My sister's joy warmed my heart, but I felt that Gladys was preparing a trick. I didn't want to talk about her feelings for Wendy because she was very happy. I didn't want to see her sad, and especially I didn't want to make her cry.

"I don't believe that Gladys has changed so quickly," I replied.

"Alice, listen to me." Gladys told me about her pregnancy, I'm sure she's not pregnant with FP! I feel it! "

What pregnant?

"What are you talking about? What pregnancy?" I asked, surprised, and Wendy opened her mouth wide.

"What, Alice? You ... didn't you know?"

"FP didn't tell me anything," I whispered and tears appeared in my eyes.

Alice, don't panic. Don't panic. Solve it calmly.

"I will kill him," I murmured and left the house.


Wendy couldn't stop me. I got in the car and drove away.

I drove to Whyte Wyrm because I knew that when FP was off work, he spent most of his time in the bar. I went into the room like a storm and looked around.

"Hog Eye!" I screamed.

"He is upstairs, princess," he answered quickly and hid under the counter.

I rolled my eyes and went to the FP's office.

On my way, I wondered how I should react. Should I be angry or more composed?

Fuck it. I was furious.

I went into his office without knocking and looked at him. All anger left me, and tears appeared in my eyes.

"Alice" FP rose from his desk and came to me.

"Don't come closer, please," I whispered and shook my head.

"What happened?" FP came closer and I walked away from him.

"I'm begging you, don't come closer," I whispered, my voice trembling.

"Okay, I'll stay where I stand," FP said calmly, and I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me that Gladys was pregnant?" I asked, and tears came out of my eyes.

"How did you find out?" FP was confused and sad.

"Wendy told me," I said and wiped my eyes with my hands, smearing the mascara on my cheeks.

"I didn't want to tell you that" FP took a step towards me. "Because I wanted to know if Gladys is lying." FP took the next step. I let him do it.

"And did you find out?" I asked and looked into his eyes when he was close to me.

"Not yet," he whispered. "It's definitely not my child," he added and leaned over me. I leaned back against the door, feeling like a trap.

"Every man says so, if you have a child with Gladys, you will have to take responsibility for it."

"Alice, I know it's not my child, I only slept with Gladys once ... When I was in Toledo, I haven't touched her since then," he whispered and looked into my eyes. His hand began to stroke my cheek.

"Believe me," he asked and kissed me on the forehead.

"I can't," I whispered and shook my head.

"I have to admit something to you." FP whispered and touched my cheek with his lips. "I used to get drunk because I missed you and it was one night I don't remember anything. I only remember that Gladys took me home"

that confession hurt me.

"Two minutes earlier you said you did not sleep with her from returning to Riverdale," I pushed him away from me, but he moved closer to me. I started pushing him away, shouting that I hated him and he kept quiet. He grabbed my hands and held them against the door on either side of my head. I looked into his eyes and cried.

"I didn't sleep with her," he whispered straight into my mouth.

"You lie" I shook my head. "Don't touch me," I said, but he didn't respond. He came closer to me.

"Don't touch me, I'm begging you," I whispered as his hand began to stroke my cheek.

"The most wonderful sex I have with you" he murmured in my ear and I sighed heavily. "I don't need Gladys. I need you," he added, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

It's inappropriate.

I pushed him away from me with the remnants of strength.

"I told you not to touch me," I said loudly. "When you finally fix your life, then we'll talk." I added and left the office.

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