6 "Things are getting worse."

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"Mom what are you doing? It's three in the morning" Betty came to the kitchen.

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to make cupcakes" I smiled at her and finished mix the ingredients in a bowl. "We need to greet our new neighbors, right?" I laughed and turned on the oven.

I'm such a mess.

"You're drunk"

You don't say? Alice, stop. It's your daughter... Don't be like that.

"Maybe a little. It was just only one big glass of wine" I said and started to melt white chocolate.

Very very very large glass of wine...

"Or two bottles of wine" Betty rolled her eyes. "You're completety drunk, mom"


"No, I'm not" I felt tears in my eyes.

FP, I'm drunk because of my love for you. Why are you still in my heart?

"Hey, mom. What is going on?" Betty approached me and looked me in the eyes.

What am I supose to tell you? That I'm fucking your boyfriend's dad? Yeah, very mature, Alice.

"I had a very bad day, today" I said. It was partly true. "I'm sorry"

Stop asking, Betty.

"It's okay" Betty sighed and huged me tightly. "It's okay mom. We'll finish cupcakes tomorrow and we'll greet our new neighbours" Betty smiled at me and I nodded my head.

Betty is a better mother than me.

"That's a good idea" I answered and chocked because of alcohol.

"Yeah, you definitely had a lot of alcohol in your blood. Come on" Betty grabbed me by my hand and we went to my bedroom.

What about cupcakes? I didn't finished them. They're alone in the bowl... Why?

"Wait Betty. I forgot to turned off the oven" I said and wanted to go back to the kitchen but Betty didn't let me.

"No, mom. I turned it off. It's okay. Don't worry about it and just go to sleep"

I laid on my bed and sighed heavily.

"Thank you, Betty" I smiled sadly at my daughter.

"Should I sleep with you tonight?" She asked with a smile and I nodded my head.

"That would be nice. At least I won't be alone"

Betty laid next to me and I closed my eyes.

I wish I could tell you, Betty, about me and FP. I wish I could tell you that I'm still in love with him but I know, that you would be angry.


The next day, I woke up with a big headache. I sat on the bed and rubbed my temples with my hands.

"Good morning" Betty came into my bedroom with a mug of water.

"Bad morning" I said and sighed.

"Here. Drink it. It's an aspirin." Betty gave me a mug and I smiled at her.

"Thank you" I drank aspirin in one breath.

"I'm here for you, mom. You know it" my daughter smiled.

I was sad when she said it because I felt she was neglecting her friends because of me. I didn't want her to spend all day with me, she should be with her friends, not with her old, depressive mother.

"Mom tell me why mr. Jones is calling you all morning"

Holly crap. I will kill FP for that!

"Yeah... He..."

Hurry up! Think of something!

"It's about The Smith Register. He wants to offer me help with protection" I lied and smiled at her.

"I can ask Jughead about it. I think he and Serpents will agree to help us" Betty jump out of bed and I shook my head.

Things are getting worse.

"You don't have to, Betty. I'll talk to FP about it" I tried to convince my daughter to give up on this but it wasn't easy.

"No! I will call Jughead!" Betty run from my bedroom and I moaned miserably.

I rolled my eyes when I heard my ringtone. I sighed and picked up FP's call.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"I'm so sorry for yesterday" He answered with shaky voice. "I'm so stupid"

"Yes. You are stupid. You have your wife not your mistress" I almost shouted.

I am angry at you, FP. I am angry at me because I still had feelings for you and it is bad.

"Alice. I didn't have any idea where Gladys was yesterday night"

"FP, I don't care. I don't need your explanations. It's over between you and me, do you understand? I don't want to be in this relationship anymore!"

"Why do you say that? What's wrong, Alice?" his voice made me angry.

"You ask me what's wrong? You're so selfish. It's all about you and Gladys. You are married and I'm not going to be a third wheel on this marriage. I'm done with you" I said and tears espaced my eyes. I was very hurt. "Don't call me ever again, Forsythe" I hung up and took a deep breath.

It's over. It's definitely over now.


I went outside to the mailbox to check my email.

"Bills, adverts, wedding invitation" opened my eyes wide. Sierra and Tom organized a wedding ceremony so quickly.

"Good morning" I heard an unfamiliar voice from the opposite side of the road. I raised my head and looked at my new neighbor.

"Good morning" I waved to him with a smile.

He was fucking handsome.

He crossed the street and came to me.

"I moved in here recently. My name is Anthony Price" He smiled and I blushed.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Alice Smith." He put my hand to his lips and kissed it.

"Beautiful name for a very beautiful woman"

"Thank you" I laughed softly. "I planned to visit you with my daughter, but it turns out that you visit us first," I added.

"Me and my son will be happy to meet new neighbors, so you can feel invited to my house" when he said it, I felt I was blushing more.

"Thank you for the invitation" I nodded and smiled.

"Mom, I will be late for school ... Oh good morning!" Betty looked slightly embarrassed.

"Mother's duties," I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning," Anthony waved to my daughter. "Of course, I understand you. See you around," he said and walked towards his home.

"See you," I said and went to Betty.

"Wow, mom, what was that?" Betty asked with a smile.

"What?" I asked and shrugged.

"You and this man. I saw sparks between you two" Betty laughed and I shook my head.

"Elizabeth, stop it and take your things. We're going to school" I said and went to my car.

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