38 "Yes, a thousand times, yes!"

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Everything was going in the right direction. FP and Jughead moved to my house, and Wendy moved to the trailer to live with Gladys and Jellybean. FP tried to persuade his daughter to live with us, but she decided she didn't want to leave Southside.

During one of the events at Whyte Wyrm FP he announced that he was resigning from being a Serpent King to take care of his family for the rest of his life. He appointed Jughead as the new king, and I gave up the title of "Serpent Queen" for Betty. Together with FP, we knew that our children would manage and we would be able to live like a normal family in one of the suburbs of Riverdale.

One day, together with Betty, we came up with a crazy idea to buy  slides and a sand pit for Charles. We left the house and carefully measured the lawn.

"Mom, look, it's  Anthony" Betty looked at the man pushing the children's trolley along the sidewalk.

"Yes, it's him," I said, surprised. "Betty, I'll be right back," I added and went to Anthony.

"Alice!" he said with a smile and hugged me.

"Hi, Anthony, is this your niece?" I asked when I looked in the trolley.

"Well, no... I lied to you. It's not my niece, it's my daughter," he answered, and I frowned. I was happy that he began to put in life as well.

"You could tell me that you have a daughter," I replied with a smile and stroked the baby on the cheek.

"I was afraid of your reaction ... Because you know, in the past, something connected us"

"We are friends, we shouldn't have secrets between each other" I replied with a smile. "What is her name?"

"Charlotte," he said proudly, and I laughed.

"Beautiful name, Charles will have a friend to play with"

"I think they get along"

"I think so too," I nodded.

"Alice!" I heard FP's voice and turned to face him. He and Jughead were laden with shopping bags. I started laughing.

"Did you tell them to buy half of the shopping mall?" he enchanted Anthony.

"Well ... you can say that," I laughed loudly. "I have to go. Duty calls, "I added and I said goodbye to Anthony. I went to my guy and kissed him.

"Come home, we have to do something with this slide and sandpit," I murmured and pointed to the front door.


On one summer day FP took me on a trip to the river. We spread the blanket on the grass, and the fruit we took Of course, it didn't do without a booty call on the blanket.

"Have you ever thought about changing your name?" he asked, and I laughed softly.

"After the divorce, I changed my surname to the maiden name." I said. "Why do you ask?" I asked, and he took my hand gently.

"When we were little, we always pretended to be married, remember? FP Jones and Alice Jones." FP looked into my eyes and my heart accelerated. I knew what he was saying and I was excited. "Jones's name suits you," he added with a smile.

"Yes, FP" I said with tears in my eyes. "I will become your wife," I added and kissed him in my mouth.

"After twenty-five years, we're finally together" he whispered in my ear and embraced me deeply.

"Well, better late than never" I laughed softly.

"I would have forgotten. The most important part of the proposal, "he whispered and stepped away from me. He knelt in front of me and pulled a red, square box out of his pocket. He opened it, and in the middle was a gold ring with a beautiful, large emerald.

"You didn't have to, FP" I whispered softly and stroked his cheek.

"I know, but I wanted to, Alice Smith, you gave me one son, but unfortunately, fate didn't let us rise him up. After all these years you gave me another son, I can't describe my joy. After so many ups and downs, after my selfish behavior, we're finally here. Together. "FP grabbed my trembling hand and began to slide the ring on my ring finger. "For the rest of my life, I will reward you for all the hurtful things I have done to you. Thank you for giving me a chance." He kissed my hand and looked into my eyes. "Alice Smith, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes. Yes, a thousand times, yes!" I whispered and kissed him on the lips, knocking him down on the blanket.

A year later we got married. It was the happiest day of our lives because our two families united and we were all together on that day. 

Fred and Hermione became a couple. Charles became friends with Charlotte. Jughead and Betty got engaged. Wendy and Gladys had an eternal honeymoon, and Polly found a new boyfriend in Toledo. Everything worked out so beautifully. 

And we had to wait for it all over twenty-five years...

A/N: Happy ending. This is the third story I have finished and I am proud of myself. Thank you for your comments, for votes it means a lot to me.💗

 I will publish a new story about Falice soon, but in the meantime I invite you to read "Possession" - also my Falice story.

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