Isis and her Shadows

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Meet Isadora - Or Isis as she prefers - She's 16 and she goes to a normal high school, has average grades like any other person. She has medium length black wavy hair, she wasn't small but she wasn't that tall either. She had piercing green eyes, that sometimes when the light hits them right they turn a weird shade of blue. But something was different about Isis, she was very different indeed. See she met someone, someone special, who is now very close to her.

*Time Skip*
~Around 5 Years ago~                                                                                                                                                  *Isis POV*
I sat down in the kitchen pulling on my boots, looking at all the mud that was spread on them; reminding me to clean them when I come home. I swing my feet off the chair, thinking about the route I take to get to the beautiful lake I found yesterday. I loved it! As I sit there smiling, I don't notice my mum has come in and is calling my name.
"is...sis....Isis..Isis!" "Huh?!" I jump up and see y mum smiling, "Are you going out again?" she asks turning back around to grab things from the cupboards. "Yep, I'm going exploring again!" I beam at her, "You and your curious mind, well be careful and don't be out too long, I'm going to cook dinner soon" she says still smiling down at me, "Yes mother" I shout happily as I run out the door and into the woods.
My mum and dad don't mind me being in these woods since it's close to home, and they know their was around it, so even if I did get lost (Which I haven't yet!) they could easily find me!
As I'm walking towards the lake I wonder about what mum will be cooking for dinner today, oohh! I can't wait! I love my mums cooking; she always makes it so tasty! Plus dinner time is when Dad come's home from work. I always know when to come back home because you can smell mums delicious cooking; even from the woods and that's when I know to run home and wash up before dinner is laid out.
I saw the lake in the clearing and started running towards it, when I gt there i noticed a fairly large rock that I could climb up and just sit there, watching the lake and the surroundings. As I sit there, it feels as if someone is watching me but I ignore it and place it on the animals watching to see if I'm a threat. Around 10 minutes pass aof me just sitting there watching the lake ripple and the trees sway, when something catches my eye in the trees; I blink trying to refocus my eyes onto where I saw the movement. After a couple of seconds I saw what looked like a really tall man move between the trees, by now I was really curious! I loved exploring and I loved it even more if I saw something new!
I stand up as the man starts getting closer, I smile looking at him once I'm fully up; I notice he hasn't got any facial features just indents on where they would be. He is also A LOT taller than I originally thought! I don't scream however, I don't move, I just stand there staring (yes I know it's not polite to stare.) I treated the situation like I would when I saw an animal that was really close. I observed carefully, watching every movement the man made, and when he got around 10 feet away, I saw something coming out of his back; what are they?? Tentacles?? He then stood still and his tentacles started coming closer, but they got about 5 foot in front of me, I spoke up.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" I ask tilting my head slightly, I know he heard me because his head oved slightly, he then grabbed me with on of his tentacle's. I didn't struggle, I just put my arms on top of them; to keep my balance and stared at him. "I said who are you? I am a very curious person and you seem interesting." He tilted his head and spoke? Well more like I heard it in my head. I am the Slender Man, "Ah so that's your name, nice to meet you." At this point his grip was getting tighter and tighter, but I wasn't worried; I mean why should I? I could fight him off with my friends if I wanted to! I heard him laugh, So you think you can fight me child? Eh?? Can he read my mind?! Yes, child I can, now why don't you entertain me, show me how you would fight me he laughs. By now I was getting angry, he was laughing at me! So I stared at him, straight at his faceless face, and thought the words thta called out my friends. If he could read my mind then that was perfect.

Roses are red, Violets are blue.
I'm hiding in the shadows waiting for you! 

Hmm? What a weird rhyme you have there. He looks at me oddly "You read it!" I laugh. He looks at me surprised. "Spoken or untold, you read it either way, now you will not live to see another day!" As I shouted, the shadows from the surroundings started to change shape and stand, heading straight for him. He looked shocked for a second and then began to mile. Oh so you're a special one, I see, Isis. As he said my name, the shadows stopped, he lifted me up higher and his other tentacles went after the shadows, they tried to fight back but nothing really helped, at this point I was seriously wondering who Slender Man was. The shadows retreated back to their original places, "Who are you?" I ask again, The question is who are you Isis? I stared at him for a while as he set me onto the ground, but then I caught a whiff of a familiar smell. Mothers cooking! "Ah! Dinner's ready! Sorry I must leave now, thank you for playing with me!" I sprinted off towards the house what a strange person, what a strange day in fact! I ran into the house to wash up, "Ah Isis! It's just finger food today, like pizza and things, since dad will have to stay late tonight. So how about we sit in the room and watch a film while we eat?" Mother smiles as she speaks, "Yay! Can we? Love you mum!" I run into the living room to put a film on, and mum came in shortly after with the food and we snuggled up on the sofa to watch it.

*Back to the present*
I smile as I remember that meeting, it really was a strange day.

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