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*Jaz's POV*
I look up as soon as I head someone walking towards the canteen...Isis! As soon as she comes in, I run towards her and hug her, "Woah there!" she says laughing, I notice something different about her makeup...She's been crying..."Isis..." I begin, "Don't worry about it Jaz" she smiles up at me and walks into the kitchen to get her food, she comes out shortly after. "Nice going with the stage by the way guys" She says as she sits down, "Can I sing Dark Twisted Mind?" she asks, "Sure" Mason shrugs. She looks ok, but she was definitely crying earlier. I look over at her and send her a message through my mind, we both have that power. Isis, why were you crying? She doesn't make any move to indicate that she head me apart from that she replied, Isis is good at that. Just me and John talking about, when he goes not to forget everyone around me I got really upet, he's not going to leave so son! Right!...Right? I see her hand shake a little as she brings her food to her mouth, Of course not! That guy has ages left in him! I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up imotral, Isis...Smile, it's better when you are. After all a smile suits you, the crazier the better after all. I smile at her when she looks up, Thanks Jaz, now i'm turning off the mind reading thing, I don't wanna know what these lot are thinking she laughs and smiles at me, I smile back at her and talk to the others for a bit.

*Isis POV*
Jaz always knows when somethings up, seriously she's like a detective or something! "Right, so what are we going to do whilst next periods going off?" I ask, "Well Kyle went back to class and is spreading the word about lunch" Callum says, "But what about the guys who want their food?" Rose asks, "I have an idea!" Jaz shouts, "I'll ask the head teacher to let them have dinner next period and then they can all come to the concert" she smiles, "Awesome!" Connor laughs, we all smile at her, "I'll come with" I say getting up and taking the plate into the kitchen and telling the dinner ladies our plan, they didn't seem to mind, since they had already started cooking. "Thanks" I say as i'm walking out, "They're fine with it" I say high fiving Jaz. "Well let's go!" she says laughing.
~Time Skip!~

Well the head teacher is on board, just as we reach the canteen, I get an idea. "Hey rememer those carts?" I shout to the guys as we walk towards them. "Yeah?" Mason replies, "Well how about before the bell goes, we go around shouting the plans?" I grin, "Awesome!" Jaz laughs. "Right let's go!" Connor shouts. Everyone follows as we get the carts and start shouting through megaphones that the students should get their dinner now, and can either eat it then and attend the concert, or eat it during the concert at the back. By the time we have finished, people we're already in the canteen eating. I spot John close by, I start walking up to him but then freeze..."What's up Isis?" Marcus ass, "What are they doing here?!" I whiper shout to myself mainly, Marcus hears me and looks over at John and see's them. 
The creepypasta's! In their human forms obviously but still! I sprint straight behind the curtain that we had put up for the stage. "Woah there Isis" Maye laughs, Silver notices that smoethins wrong and asks what's up. I ignore her and phone Jane, I saw her out there, she picks up after the second ring. "Hey Isi-" I cut her off, "What the fuck are they doing here?!" I shout  but not too loud, "Calm down Isis, they followed me, Sally and S. Sorry" she says, I sigh, "Wait I didn't see S there" I say, "He went to take Sally to the bathroom, he's one of human form, the one with black hair and green eyes" she says. "Real helpful, good job I know which one" I laugh and hang up. Is S here? I look up at Jaz, Yeah and some others.    Who?     Jeff, L.j, E.J, Ben, Toby, Sally, Jane, Slender, Masky and Hoodie.     It'll be fine Isis, not like you care anyways.   I know but still, if anyone knocks into one of them and they flip, that's it!   Calm down and answer the question!!   Eh? Question?   Behind you!  "sis...Isis!...Isis!" "Huh?!" I jump and spin around, "Sorry what?" "Will you be ready in 5?" Reece asks, "Yeah sure" I say. "You ok?" Rose asks, "Yeah fine" I say and Jaz laughs, "Oh shut it!" I laugh with her and get positioned on stage. Me and Jaz stood next to each oher at the front in the midde; Jaz and her guitar, then Mason on my side with a bass, then Connor on the drums at the back and Silver and Maye with Guitars. On some other songs, Silver uses the piano. Marcus, Callum, Rose and Reece have gone to meet Kyle and the others down in the audiance. Me and Jaz look at each other as the curtain rises and grin, we point our fingers like a gun at each other and smile. "Repent mother fuckers!" we giggle to each other, then the curtain is fully up and I let Jaz talk. "Hey guys! Some of you already know who we are, and some don't but who cares? Enjoy!" Everyone laugh sand then I speak, "The first song is Dark Twisted Mind" I say and grin. They start to play and I wait for the beat to kick in.

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